How to minimize Fig tree suckering?

My mature Black mission fig tree has a habit of sending up suckers around the trunk requiring me to prune them off several times each year. I would like to better understand how to eliminate the issue if possible. Does anyone know how I could remedy this maintenance issue? Would mulching or adding soil to cover all the exposed roots stop suckering?

In my experience it’s something you live with. Where the figs freeze back, the tree turns into a bush with many stems. Nothing you can do about that. In my greenhouse where the trees don’t usually freeze it also can happen but much less often.

Either keep pruning them back or convert to a multi-stem tree. I don’t see any alternatives.


Wow. They’re coming from feeder roots an inch or so below the surface – not from those larger main roots.

There’s a hormone treatment for root suckers, but first check the product to insure it has a legal agricultural label and no restrictions for fruit trees. I’ve forgotten what it is.

Try pulling instead of cutting. Cutting leaves a short vertical section of stem between the roots and the surface that has nothing to do other than simply keep pushing vertical growth.

Honestly it just feels like a chore but in reality all it takes is stomping on them twice a year. I bet just about everything else you do in your garden takes more effort but your mind just decided to pay more attention to this bit.

Take the win, your tree is thriving and pushing growth in every way it can muster.

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