How to tell when Parfianka Pomegranate Ripe?

Second year Parfianka and I’m trying to figure out when to it’s ready to pick. Any tips?


If you want it as sweet as possible, wait until the crown dries up. If you want more acidity, it should be ok for eating in a week or two.

Thanks Stan, I don’t know how long I’ll be able to keep the kids away:smile:

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Will these ripen off the tree/bush? I also have two pomegranates, one a Parfianka. My parents tree gets picked pretty clean by birds and some rodent… (not sure if possum, or squirrel) so letting it hang seems like could have some risk.

Very Good point. It’s always a risk when you get this close to fully ripening on tree. I will also look forward to an answer on off tree ripening.

My ‘Parfianka’ has been in the ground for about three years now, and like most poms it’s hard to draw any hard and fast conclusions the first couple of years. It’s loaded right now for such a small tree. My ‘Angel Red’ are all harvested and ‘Wonderful’ is excellent right now, but I’m going to let some hold for a while longer.

That said, I’m treating my ‘Parfianka’ fruit just like the other poms, looking for blocky shape, dull color, and no green on the shoulders. Pull anything that comes off easy or with cracks or splits. I’ve got enough on the tree to crack a few open to test, but they still seem a little shiny yet.


No, they will not. But they keep well in storage.

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I watched a Youtube video saying the seeds are so soft that can’t be noticed. Is it true? Thanks!

Yes the seeds are very soft. For salads a little seed crunch can be a good thing though. It’s a good idea to plant a few varieties to get the best of all worlds.

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image does this look like parfianka?


Looks like…YUM! Could be. Who care about names? :slight_smile: