Here are pictures of buds and lenticels of presumed Dar Sofiyivki, JT-02, and Chuchupaka. I see buds looking somewhat distinctive, but not a huge difference in lenticels other than maybe being paler.
Looks promising! Who’d you get yours from ?
I just retrieved the original intellectual property/distribution rights application filled out with the Ukrainian government, which contains details about the Dar Sofiyivky persimmon. I hope this helps with the identification process.
I did my best with the conversion and translation, and I will review it thoroughly later today to ensure that all entries match the original application, which is attached here
2794-SORT-2796-1-10-20190717.pdf (466.7 KB)
The table represented below is available for view in the PDF format for better readability:
2794-SORT-2796-1-10-20190717-English.pdf (200.2 KB)
EDIT: translation checked and is accurate.
# | Feature | Manifestation | Value | Feature, Ukrainian | Manifestation, Ukrainian | Value | |
1 | Tree: growth strength | average | 5 | Дерево: сила росту | середня | 5 | |
2 | Tree: habitus | semi-erect | 2 | Дерево: габітус | напівпрямий | 2 | |
3 | One-year shoot: by length | average | 5 | Однорічний пагін: за довжиною | середній | 5 | |
4 | One-year shoot: by thickness | average | 5 | Однорічний пагін: за товщиною | середній | 5 | |
5 | One-year shoot: internodes by length | average | 5 | Однорічний пагін: міжвузля за довжиною | середні | 5 | |
6 | One-year shoot: number of lenticels | average | 5 | Однорічний пагін: кількість сочевичок | середня | 5 | |
7 | One-year shoot: size of lenticels | large | 7 | Однорічний пагін: розмір сочевичок | великий | 7 | |
8 | One-year shoot: shape of lenticels | elliptical | 1 | Однорічний пагін: форма сочевичок | еліптична | 1 | |
9 | One-year shoot: color (sunny side) | yellow-brown | 2 | Однорічний пагін: забарвлення (з-під сонячного боку) | жовто-коричневе | 2 | |
10 | One-year shoot: shape of bud (side view) | wide-egg-shaped | 2 | Однорічний пагін: форма бруньки (вид збоку) | широкояйцеподібна | 2 | |
11 | Leaf blade: by length | average | 5 | Листкова пластинка: за довжиною | середня | 5 | |
12 | Leaf blade: by width | average | 5 | Листкова пластинка: за шириною | середня | 5 | |
13 | Leaf blade: shape | egg-shaped | 2 | Листкова пластинка: форма | яйцеподібна | 2 | |
14 | Leaf blade: shape of base | blunt | 3 | Листкова пластинка: форма основи | тупа | 3 | |
15 | Leaf blade: shape of apex | sharp | 2 | Листкова пластинка: форма верхівки | гостра | 2 | |
16 | Tree: gender of flowers | only female | 1 | Дерево: стать квіток | лише жіночі | 1 | |
17 | Female flower: diameter of corolla | average | 5 | Жіноча квітка: діаметр віночка | середній | 5 | |
18 | Female flower: shape of cup (top view) | regular cross | 4 | Жіноча квітка: форма чашечки (вид зверху) | правильний хрест | 4 | |
19 | Female flower: number of petals in corolla | four | 1 | Жіноча квітка: кількість пелюсток віночка | чотири | 1 | |
20 | Fruit: size | average | 5 | Плід: розмір | середній | 5 | |
21 | Fruit: main shape (side view) | flattened | 4 | Плід: основна форма (вид збоку) | плюснута | 4 | |
22 | Fruit: main shape in cross-section | square | 3 | Плід: основна форма в поперечному перерізі | квадратна | 3 | |
23 | Fruit: shape of apex in longitudinal section | notched | 5 | Плід: форма верхівки в поздовжньому розрізі | виїмчаста | 5 | |
24 | Fruit: notching of apex | moderate | 2 | Плід: рифлення верхівки | помірне | 2 | |
25 | Fruit: shallow concentric cracks around apex | absent or weak | 1 | Плід: мілкі концентричні розтріскування навколо верхівки | відсутні або слабкі | 1 | |
26 | Fruit: cracking of apex | absent or weak | 1 | Плід: розтріскування верхівки | відсутнє або слабке | 1 | |
27 | Fruit: longitudinal ridging by depth | absent or very shallow | 1 | Плід: поздовжнє рифлення за глибиною | відсутнє або дуже мілке | 1 | |
28 | Fruit: wrinkles at the end of the cup | absent or very few | 1 | Плід: зморшки на кінці чашечки | відсутні або дуже мало | 1 | |
29 | Fruit: attachment of the cup | horizontal | 1 | Плід: прикріплення чашечки | горизонтальне | 1 | |
30 | Fruit: ridging of the cup end | absent | 1 | Плід: рифлення чашечкового кінця | відсутнє | 1 | |
31 | Fruit: cracking of the cup end | absent or weak | 1 | Плід: розтріскування чашечкового кінця | відсутнє або слабке | 1 | |
32 | Fruit: size of cup compared to fruit diameter | large | 7 | Плід: розмір чашечки порівняно з діаметром плоду | великий | 7 | |
33 | Fruit: position of the cup | horizontal | 3 | Плід: положення чашечки | горизонтальне | 3 | |
34 | Fruit: sepals by width | average | 5 | Плід: чашолистки за шириною | середні | 5 | |
35 | Fruit: peduncle by length | average | 5 | Плід: плодоніжка за довжиною | середня | 5 | |
36 | Fruit: peduncle by thickness | average | 5 | Плід: плодоніжка за товщиною | середня | 5 | |
37 | Only for varieties where astringent substance is always absent or sometimes present. Fruit: skin color | characteristic not determined | 0 | Лише для сортів, у яких завжди відсутня або інколи наявна в’яжуча речовина. Плід: забарвлення шкірки | ознака не визначається | 0 | |
38 | Only for varieties where astringent substance is always present. Fruit: skin color | orange | 2 | Лише для сортів, у яких завжди наявна в’яжуча речовина. Плід: забарвлення шкірки | оранжеве | 2 | |
39 | Only for varieties where astringent substance is always absent or sometimes present. Fruit: flesh color | characteristic not determined | 0 | Лише для сортів, у яких завжди відсутня або інколи наявна в’яжуча речовина. Плід: забарвлення м’якоті | ознака не визначається | 0 | |
40 | Only for varieties where astringent substance is always present. Fruit: flesh color | orange | 3 | Лише для сортів, у яких завжди наявна в’яжуча речовина. Плід: забарвлення м’якоті | оранжеве | 3 | |
41 | Fruit: presence of brown spots in flesh always | absent | 1 | Плід: наявність коричневих плямочок у м’якоті завжди | відсутні | 1 | |
42 | Fruit: size of brown spots in flesh | characteristic not determined | 0 | Плід: розмір коричневих плямочок у м’якоті | ознака не визначається | 0 | |
43 | Seed: size | average | 5 | Насіння: розмір | середній | 5 | |
44 | Seed: shape (side view) | wide-egg-shaped | 3 | Насінина: форма (вид збоку) | широкояйцеподібна | 3 | |
45 | Seed: color | dark brown | 3 | Насінина: забарвлення | темно-коричневе | 3 | |
46 | Time of flowering of female flowers (80% open) | early | 3 | Час цвітіння жіночих квіток (80% відкрито) | ранній | 3 | |
47 | Time of vegetative bud bursting | early | 3 | Час розпускання вегетативних бруньок | ранній | 3 | |
48 | Only for varieties where astringent substance is always absent or sometimes present. Time of consumer ripeness | characteristic not determined | 0 | Лише д ля сорт ів, у яких завжди відсутня або інколи наявна в’яжуча речовина. Час споживчої стиглості | ознака не визначається | 0 | |
49 | Only for varieties where astringent substance is always present. Time of consumer ripeness | early | 3 | Лише д ля сорт ів, у яких завжди наявна в’яжуча речовина. Час споживчої стиглості | ранній | 3 | |
50 | Fruit: astringent substance | always present | 3 | Плід: в’яжуча речовина | завжди наявна | 3 |
According to the information provided by the applicant:
Indicators of agricultural suitability:
Growth Strength: (3 – weak; 5 – average; 7 – strong) – 5.
Ripening Group: (3 – early; 5 – average; 7 – late) – 3.
Flower Sex: (1 – only female; 2 – female and male; 3 – female, male, and hermaphroditic) – 1.
Yield, t/ha: 53.0.
Average yield per tree, kg: 45.0.
Average fruit weight, g: 120.0.
Contents in fruits:
Total sugar, %: 12.5.
Ascorbic acid, mg/100 g: 23.8.
Pectin substances, %: 0.870.
Tannins, %: 0.001.
Taste evaluation, score (1–9): 7.
Keeping quality, score (1–9): 7.
Transportability, score (1–9): 7.
Winter hardiness, score (1–9): 7.
Drought resistance, score (1–9): 7.
Resistance to pathogens, score (1–9) :
Scab: (Ragnhlildiana levieri (Magn.) Vass.) – 9.
Anthracnose: (Colletotrichum kaki Maffei.) – 9.
Bulletin #3, 2019
On an unrelated note, the Ukrainian IP registry includes applications for the following persimmons.
I think we have a new variety here: Fall Gift / Autumn Gift/ Подарунок осені / Podarunok oseni
dateApplication | varietyName | varietyNameLan | varietyNameTRL | startDateRegistration |
6/8/2021 | Адольф Ліщук | Адольф Ліщук | Adolf Lishchuk | 2022 |
4/9/2019 | Божий дар | Божий дар | Bozhyi dar | 2020 |
5/21/2018 | Дар Софіївки | Дар Софіївки | Dar Sofiivky | 2019 |
12/10/2018 | Колгоспниця | Колгоспниця | Kolhospnytsia | 2020 |
4/9/2019 | Пам’яті Черняєва | Пам’яті Черняєва | Pam’iati Cherniaieva | 2020 |
3/25/2021 | Подарунок осені | Подарунок осені | Podarunok oseni | 2022 |
4/9/2019 | Соснівська | Соснівська | Sosnivska | 2020 |
4/9/2019 | Чучупака | Чучупака | Chuchupaka | 2020 |
12/16/2020 | Ювілейна Косенка | Ювілейна Косенка | Yuvileina Kosenka | 2021 |
One-year shoot comp, pulled from IP applications:
Variety | number of lenticels | size of lenticels | shape of lenticels | color (sunny side) | shape of bud (side view) |
Adolf Lishchuk | Average | Average | Elongated | Brown | Wide-egg-shaped |
Bozhyi dar | Average | Average | Rounded | Yellow-brown | Wide-egg-shaped |
Dar Sofiyivky | Average | Large | Elliptical | Yellow-brown | Wide-egg-shaped |
Kolhospnytsia | Average | Average | Elongated | Brown | Wide-egg-shaped |
Pam’iati Cherniaieva | Average | Small | Elongated | Yellow-brown | Wide-egg-shaped |
Podarunok oseni | High | Average | Elliptical | Gray-brown | Triangle |
Sosnivska | Average | Average | Rounded | Yellow-brown | Rounded |
Chuchupaka | Average | Large | Elongated | Gray-brown | Rounded |
Yuvileina Kosenka | Average | Small | Elongated | Brown | Rounded |
Thanks so much @ukie for posting this and translating. It seems to me the key thing is that the leaves are described as egg shaped, with a blunt base and a pointed tip, plus that the leaves are average length and width. I believe folks were previously talking about the distinct elongated leaves of DS, so this indicates that those trees would not be correct and DS should have leaves similar to most hybrids I’ve seen.
The photos originally posted on here, the leaves look a little long. One thing I’ve noticed on my purported Dar Sofiyivki is that the leaves started out narrower, then subsequent leaves were broader as the tree got bigger. At least some overlap in general shape with the original pics, with a blunt base and pointed tip. Definitely a different shape than Chuchupaka or JT-02. The lenticels and bark description definitely match, and maybe the bud (how egg-shaped is an egg-shaped bud?). For now, I’m feeling about as confident as I was before , maybe a bit more. So 80% confident for now. I may have to pause sale of the grafts I made until I get fruit or some miraculous chain of custody verification.
Here’s a pic of lenticels on the greener Dar Sofiyivki wood.
The screenshot is taken from a Sep 21, 2024 YouTube video that focuses on the unique features of the Dar Sofiyivki tree. It compares the wood and leaves of Dar Sofiyivki and Sosnivska. The English subtitles are fairly accurate.
While the video may not be the best presentation of the topic or the most comprehensive display of knowledge, it does highlight some distinctive Dar Sofiyivki tree features.
Well, I can confidently say that yours and mine are both persimmons, and neither is Chuchpaka or JT-02! I see enough overlap with what you show to remain fairly confident, but enough difference to reserve final judgement.
Here are pictures from my grafts, again, presumed Dar Sofiyivki.
Notice a different wood color pictured above. It’s a second wave of 2024 shoot growth.
Three pictures below are showing growth/color difference: 1st wave of shoot growth (light brow color) and 2nd wave of shoot growth (dark brown with red tint):
I have Gora Goverla and Roman Kosh growing, so their buds, lenticels, leaves are definitely different.
However some growing DV rootstock has lenticels, leaves similar to Dar Sofiyivki, but not buds.
IMHO, the bud shape, color, lenticels, and leaves make Dar Sofiyivki identifiable to some extend.
It’s interesting that the 2nd wave of growth shows very elongated lenticels, but on the older growth they are much more round.
Dax told me not to get too anxious about it of what Tim said earlier. He was confident that We have the real DS. I got a 3 feet tall V. Derevyanko and the leaves were more Kaki like than the slender longer leaves of the DS.
I believe our discussion here and those had with Dax helped to quell some of the confusion. Waiting for fruit for more of us should help too. @Ruben I keep forgetting your location, did you receive wood from Dax or Timothy?
Anyone have da scions they can provide next spring?
I will make an offer in late January. My tree should have about a dozen decent scions. Swaps preferred. I also show you wanted Clark’s 10 best pears. I should have 8 or 9 of them.
That’s a relief, I have some of your scion that I already sold (7) labeled as DS
@Rathabsurfin I’m not a seller of DS scion. You might mean Ockoo Microfarm (Timothy Lane). The Facebook screenshots are from his page.
Sorry yes, replied to wrong comment.