Hybrid Persimmons Future Look Great

Yeah, that’s true. Any male-flowering PCNA would do. My recollection is that Taishu is a more prolific male flowerer. Also, Taishu’s fruit has caused a sensation in Japanese retail markets. For both reasons, it would be the preferred choice. But you are quite right that any male-flowering PCNA would work.

Using other PCNA males that are not Taishu on JT-02 may be a better choice. The back cross to Taishu is likely to produce some inbreeding depression. A different male is more likely to produce vigorous seedlings.


I am hoping that my JT02 was pollinated by Maru(PVNA). That was the only male in bloom this year at that time.
Maru is excellent tasting — better than any PCNA I’ve tried. I bet Taishu is great but Maru isn’t bad either.

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I have California Maru from fruitwood nursery.

I find the various varieties with Maru in their names almost as confusing as what get called Fuyu.

Chocolate also seems to be used to refer to more than one variety :frowning:

What Maru do you grow that you like?

Intuitively this might seem right. But consider that the Asian PCNA gene pool is already very restricted. Inbreeding depression has been a serious challenge for Japanese and Korean breeders. They have found it necessary to work very hard – test lots of seedlings – to get good quality trees and fruits from their crosses.

Taishu is a product of these efforts. It is 1/2 Fuyu, 1/4 Jiro, 1/8 Okogosho, and 1/8 Hannagosho. So it is already very representative off the PCNA Kaki universe. It is already way more diverse than any of its individual progenitors and, moreover, it has been selected for its good traits.

JT-02 is a cross of Taishu x DV. That cross brings cold hardiness, some different flavors, and who knows what else. Certainly it brings some genetic diversity.

The suggested cross of JT-02 x a different PCNA male, maybe Okugosho or Hanagosho, would create offspring that are 50% that variety. These offspring would paradoxically be LESS diverse than the offspring off a back-cross of JT-02 x Taishu. That cross would be 75% Taishu but that implies 37.5% Fuyu, 18.8% Jiro, 9.4% Okugosho, and 9.4% Hanagosho, plus 25 DV. Sounds pretty good.


My pollinator was California Maru I believe. Zenji Maru also produced male flowers this year but it bloomed very late – strange spring.
The only Maru that has fruited for me is the California Maru. It is very good.

I am only aware of 2 Maru. California and Zenji. My scionwood came from a CRFG scion exchange. Maybe there are others?

Fruitwood used to call their Maru just Maru until I asked them what it was (2018). Marc didn’t know at that time other than that he got his from Dave Wilson. He later started naming them specifically later.

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Perfect, all of the information I was hoping to learn, and especially that the one you like is the one I have.


Great news. Another hybrid crossed of Tam Kam nonastringent Asian persimmon with Jerry’s Lehman Nikita’s Gift male offspring that survived the -31F Polar vortex . This crossed Hopefully will challenge the JT-02 for cold hardiness by Tonyomahaz5.


Nikitas gift beginning to color up.


Hello All

This thread is super long, so I figured I’d just ask … so if someone answered my question somewhere in this thread, I’m sorry for asking it again.

I’m Canada, so I’m finding it hard to get some of these cool cultivars of persimmons. I have a Kassandra and Zima trees and they are doing well, and going through winter perfectly fine unprotected. I am hoping to get a hold of scions of Chinebuli for grafting this spring.

Is there anyone in Canada who grows this variety who might be willing to sell me a scions in the spring? Or does anyone know of a commerical source in Canada who sells this cultivar as a “potted tree”

Again, sorry if this was discussed already.


Turned out I sent sample fruit to Steven to ID. He thought this one was either Inchon or Miss Kim. He is quite certain it was not JT-02!!

Bigger than Prok.

And sweeter than Prok.


And how did they compare ?
Taste Wise?
Sweeter you say ….
Which would you prefer.

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JT-02 soft ripen? Any trace of astringency?


That’s amazing that it’s already ripe for you. Mine aren’t even fully orange yet. It looks delicious.


Looks to be juicier than Prok.

Sorry for misleading. I sent samples to @SMC_zone6.

Steven thinks this is either Inchon or Miss Kim. It dropped prematurely 3 weeks ago. It was 90% green. I left it on a counter but nothing hapoened. Two days ago, I put it in a sandwich bag with two small apples. It ripened and turned orange in 2 days. I took one apple out before taking this pic.

So, the fruit was not fully ripe, not even close, when it dropped. However, it tasted sweet, and sweeter than my Prok (my Prok was only mildly sweet). It had no astringency. The texture is soft/mushy but it could be that I squeezed the fruit one too many time when it was green


Strong Work Tippy.

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This was NOT a real JT-02. I was told it could be Inchon or Miss Kim.


I’ve noticed that Nikita’s gift also tastes very good when picked green and ripened with apples. Maybe all the hybrids have this great attribute?
I can’t wait to try Kasandra and JT02 for the first time this year.


@mamuang – Awesome! I have one fruit of JT-02 on a graft. It’s just beginning to change color, which is late compared to IKKJ and Kassandra. So I may have to try the apple treatment. It would be great if it reliably works.

Meanwhile, my Kassandra tree has a couple hundred fruits, all more or less orange. When I get back home Friday, I’ll pick a few of the greenest and bag them with some apples to see what happens.

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