I found these black markings on one pear espalier.
It looks fungal to me.
It is only on the top scaffold.
Any suggestions
I found these black markings on one pear espalier.
It looks fungal to me.
It is only on the top scaffold.
Any suggestions
Need spray immunox or other fungicides
Look like old scar from pear blister mites. I don’t do anything at this stage. I may pick off really ugly leaves.
Next spring, I will try to time my lime sulfur spray better.
I have been spraying myclobutanyl (Immunox) and Captan & Indar together with my insecticides.
And it is ONLY on one tree on one scaffold
Mystery to me
I think it was pear blister mite scars. Spray for them need to be earlier in bud development.
Here was the post about PBM
Yup, it is blister mites.
I saw the photos of the leaves in the link you sent and I have those markings ( looks like before they turn black) on two other trees.
Ok… so now I have something else to schedule for after leaf fall.
I sprayed my pears a bit too early this spring with lime sulfur. Did not get all of them so I have seen the same scars like you have on my pears here and there.
Some studies suggest spray in late fall. Others say in the spring. I spray when buds start to push in the spring. It usually works.
I have the same thing on Kiefer. Seems to mostly be on the highest growth of the tree.
Same here.
I am not familiar with the lifestyle of these guys or why they would be up high on the top of my espalier.
But, I am beginning to feel a little like Bill Murray in Caddyshack with my obsession to get them this fall and next spring.