My wife really liked this store-bought Asian pear. It’s large, pyriform, with a very light yellow skin. The flesh is crisp, not tough, very juicy. Flavor is very mild (I would say, weak), only slightly sweet. Can somebody ID this variety? Thanks!
It resembles the Ya Li variety
It’s 200% Ya Li.
It’s a Yali, I bought a few recently, I like this variety better than Korean Giant.
I grow Korean Giant and it has pretty strong flavor and a good sweetness level. Ya Li (which everybody says what it is) has a subtle flavor but much better texture and is juicier. Flavor profiles are also quite different. Korean Giant is butterscotch/caramel, while Ya Li is floral/fruity.
The Korean Giant I get from the Korean supermarket has very tough skin. It’s sweeter than Yali but I prefer Yali better.
I gave my KG to my brother and I’m looking forward to my Yali next year. Let’s hope I get some fruit.
The Yali that sell in grocery will have that yellow color because the fruit grower cover the whole pear in a white paper bag. My Yali fruits are greenish yellow and super juicy and floral smell.