If you could only plant 15 types of pears in an orchard

@exoticSVK very good choices in my opinion at least for those half i recognize! For those who dont know there was a mixup on Williams when it came to USA hundreds of years ago from Europe and is known here as bartlett.

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Would love to hear your reasons for listing Warren first. Glad to see Ayers on the list.


I very much enjoyed warren this year. At least in Kansas it does fine. Heard lots of negative things about warren but in our climate it seems those negatives mentioned about warren are a non issue.

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The birds drop Bradford pear seeds everywhere so I come along and graft fruiting pears to them each one a different variety. Every pear graft took but none of my persimmon grafts took.


@Eddie i would recommend reviving this thread Grafting Persimmons and regular persimmon grafters,will have tips and techniques on grafting. The bradford seedlings are typically very easy to graft but ive had wild rootstocks that refused to take a graft ! Eventually i found something that worked that was more compatable.


There are some really great pears out there The pears you may not have heard of and should consider growing. Iā€™m going to continue to add various types of quality pears.

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