Carmine Jewel is a hybrid of a tart cherry and another cherry like stone fruit. I would bet it dwarfs the sweet cherry if it works at all. You should give it a try for the sake of science… because if you get it to work alot of us will be trying it as well.
Ok. I am willing to try. The problem I have is limited space. I don’t have space left to put in a tree that doesn’t grow well (I take it back.there are trees I should have chopped down long time ago, I just don’t have the heart to remove a tree that somewhat is still fruiting). I plan to graft them and give to my friends. But I need to let them know as much as I can. Most important, it produces cherries in normal amount.
I had a branch of whitegold grafted on Carmine jewel few years back . It’s still alive so I know this far. I am wondering how well it performs if it is a whole sweet cherry grafted on top.
It is interesting to see how it work out for you.
My bush cherry trees grow like a bush with multi trunks going in all directions. I wonder how sweet cherry would grow on such a bush.
I can’t recall if sweet cherry can be grafted directly on to bush cherry. I know 39 Parallel has a thread in Reference about their genetic make up, whether or not they are compatible. I am just not motivated to look up.
Thanks Tippy. I have more than one cultivar of sweet cherry grafted on the Carmine jewel. As it is a bush cherry, sweet cherry has to compete with the rest so it doesn’t grow as good as I want it to be. But if I use it as rootstock, all energy goes to the sweet cherry , I assume the sweet cherry will do better. But I would have some to confirm to be sure
Sour Cherry’s are a chromosome doubling of sweet cherry prunus avium and Mongolian cherry prunus fructicosa forming a aabb chromosome mix,. The romance series dwarfs are then back crossed with to have a chromosome pattern of aaab. Compatibility should be about the same as sour cherry l, eg comparable.
The problem is prunis fructicosa is a low growing multi branched bush. Without control you will likely see sucking.
Bumping this.
Anyone experiencing dwarfing of sweet cherry by grafting onto Carmen Jewel or other bush cherry?
I removed my sweet cherries so I can’t tree it myself. Suckering would be a problem.
I grafted sweet cherries onto Carmine Jewel, but Carmine Jewel is still the main tree. I started using Carmine Jewel suckers as rootstock for sweet cherry last year, the tree has not shown dwarfed yet.