I love to grow my own fruit but I also really appreciate the fruit I can purchase! Last week blackberries were in season and on sale for $1. This week a pint of blueberries were $1.49 and a small package of raspberries were $1. Might feel guilty for buying $1.29 per lb grapes, $1.29 strawberries, 5 boxes of blueberries, 5 boxes of raspberries when I have tons of cherries, mulberries, and juneberries but I love fruit! I buy a couple of pounds of 39 cent bananas every week. Honestly sometimes it costs me more to raise things like blueberries than to buy them! Hope your enjoying the in season fruit as much as I am! I told driscolls I liked the berries I got and they sent me coupons for more berries :0)
Just tasted my first Asian Pear today. Picked on up at the grocery store… can’t wait to taste my own. They’re wonderful.
We’re hitting the white fleshed nectarines from Costco hard, about a flat (12 fruit) a day
While my blueberries probably cost close to $5/lb after you factor in my time, effort and expenses (water/fertilizer). I have yet in my 10 years or so of growing blues tasted anything from a clamshell that tastes even 1/4 as good ones picked 20 feet from my back door.
However, I love trying all the fancy plums, apriums, nectarines, flat peaches that Fairway offers across from restaurant where I work. Had the tastiest Aprium the other day, silver dollar sized yellow with red blush, great plum taste, spicy finish.
I took out (mostly me) 8 pounds of nectarines from Sam’s Club in 2 days… There were a few turds in there, but most were very sweet. I try to grab the bags that have a few soft ones, but aren’t completely mush… I generally avoid the rock hard fruits.
The river bottom growers are selling to the local markets and the cantaloupe market is getting flooded. It still costs $2.50 for one of these beauties which weigh more than most watermelons!
Current New Yorker has an article on Driscolls
Ross, you are like me. I planted two Asian Pear trees without ever tasting an Asian Pear. This year I had 11 of them, very tasty.
I guess I could say the same about paw paws and jujubes , which I still haven’t had, and the Asian Persimmon, which I tasted only after planting my tree.
Great time to visit the local Aldis. 39 cent haas avocados , 2/$1 pomegranate, $1 blackberry and rasberries, $3 mandarins, 49 cent mangoes, lettuce, onions, and spinach were very reasonable $1-$1.49. $1.49 Granny Smiths & 1.99 pink lady apples. Much of the produce is from California or Washington though some is from Mexico and Equidor.
Ross, which variety do you have?
Nice haul. We love Aldi’s- the biggest problem is that the closest one to us is about 50 miles away! So when we go, we usually stock up. Very reasonable prices for pretty good food. We usually get canned goods, cereal bars, pasta, sauces, baking goods, chips, etc. Didn’t realize they had such a a selection of produce, but we usually don’t go there for that.
Sometimes they have the best produce selection of anyone in this area. Wish you had one closer.
We now have two Aldis in my town. The older Adlis is probably 20 years old and small but the newer one just opened about 5 minutes from my house. It’s so much nicer. Reminds me a lot of Trader Joes.
That’s great I hope you get some of these deals this week.
I may take a trip up to Super G Mart in Charlotte NC. They are an international food store that sells lychee, rambutan, Longan, Jackfruit, Mangosteen, soursop, and my personal favorite Mamey Sapote. If anyone is in the Charlotte area I encourage you to check them out. For me it’s a 45 minute drive but well worth it when they have the uncommon fruits in stock. I went about 2 weeks ago and the only thing they had that was uncommon was breadfruit and I didn’t try it.
I went with these:
Korean Giant
Drippin’ Honey
Hopefully I get a taste off one of these next year.
California strawberries and Canadian blueberries are in season this week at $1 per box! Aldis is selling these delicious fruits at bargain prices! Sweet cherry season is winding down and $1.49 per pound cherries are just a fond memory. Cherries were back to $1.99 Monday and $2.49 yesterday. These blueberry and strawberry prices will be short lived as they try and move the huge harvest asap.
I’m surprised the new primocane blackberries such as prime ark 45 and freedom are not hitting the stores yet. Commercial growers have large fields of the new types of blackberries that were developed in Arkansas planted so it’s a matter of time.
Having trouble with store nectarines - some are quite good, others are too mealy to eat
And can’t tell the difference on the shelf!