In the Rustbelt this is what we get for figs in the store

Only one store sells them…a greengrocer. No supermarkets sell figs here.

$1.29 each. These 4 figs cost $5.16.
Little bigger ones are $1.49 each or 4 for $5.96.

Once in a while they are eatable.

They never have any green / white figs or black mission figs. Just Brown Turkey or whatever these are.


During the thanksgiving/christmas holidays i buy about 20 or so bags of these and enjoy them til im sick of them…which takes just about all winter… in the Rustbelt also at ALDI.



Does ALDIs have that in stock right now? I might have to take a trip…


Here figs are $1.99 each and look about the same. It amazes me that they sell any of them.

i dont think so… usually during the holidays here. They had fig jams etc also…usually stays on an endcap for a couple of months here.

Pretty amazing taste honestly… and very fresh.

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Their fig and morello cherry jams are awesome.

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Most of the grocery stores up here sell the black mission figs from Woodstock Foods. I’ve seen some packaged larger ones in the produce section as well. Nothing beats RdB off of the tree though.