Incompatible grafts

Sometimes you get a few grafts that are not compatible with the rootstock. Easy come easy go. Only had a few like this. I have others of the same types of apples that took on other trees. How are your grafts doing? Got a lot of grafts that put on to much growth with the rain and were snapping off so I had to prune them today to 20% their size while the graft heals properly.


I have an apple I grafted onto hawthorn this spring. I really expected it to have problems and fail but so far it’s still growing strong. Does incompatibility in grafts always show up the first year?


No the grafts don’t fail always right away. The grafts can sometimes last several years. Sounds like a fun project working with Hawthorn!

For sure it’s an interesting experiment! I had read that apple and hawthorn could be grafted together, but didn’t really believe it. I stuck a cleft graft on one of the branches this spring just to see if it worked. If it looks OK maybe next year I will cut down the whole tree and bark graft to the stump.

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I had a donut peach graft fail when grafted to my apricot… That has been the only one so far. I think one needs to wait a few years just in case. Sometimes i think this stuff doesn’t show up right away.


Just as an update, I went to check on the hawthorn today and all the apple scions had shriveled up and died. They all callused well and grew a few inches before failing, so I think it’s truly incompatibility and not that the graft didn’t take.

The good news is that I also did a couple grafts of Sekel pear and they are doing well, so I may get some use out of this tree yet!


I have a peach growing on pluot…all looks good. The pluot is on apricot.

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