Insect and Disease Identification Thread

You may want to read this: Apple summer rots and resistant apple cultivars
Humid weather is a common denominator.
Sometimes wasp&hornet pricks may cause some fruit to be more afflicted than the rest.


Anyone recognize this in the mid Atlantic region?

Hi All - New to this forum. I have 1 persimmon and 1 Peach that are about 9 years old. Each year i see over a 100 peaches but everyone of them are infected with bugs inside. Could someone give me some suggestions on how to treat them? I am in Zone 8b
Thank you so much

In addition, The Persimmon tree has had a few fruits but only about half the size of a lemon and it is infected with bugs.

Could be activity of one of the leafroller caterpillars. Is there any chewing going on under the webbing?.

Also, some spiders do this and there will not be any chewing.

Blackening spot on raspberry cane. What is it? How concerned should I be?

Hello HSR and welcome to the forum.What is your location?I’m in western Washington State,zone 8,but may not have some of the same insects as a similar one,in another area of the country or world.

I am in Dallas, Tx.

I dont see any chewing though

I submit this question in another thread but it seems more appropriate here. Can someone tell me if the blackened leaves on my Asian pear fire blight? Only one of my 3 Asian pears show this symptoms. The variety was labeled “Shinseiki” but I’m not sure if it’s correct at this point.

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Looks like Didymella applanata. It is considered serious disease of raspberries.

Ouch, what to do about it? just chop the cane off?

Yes, you should remove all diseased canes (and burn them) and generally thin out the shrubs to provide ventilation, which will reduce the possibility of disease. When I used to work in a cooperative, we had a fungicide spraying program; preventively, we used fungicides based on copper, and others during the growing season (given that I am from another continent/country, these fungicides may not be relevant in your case).

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What does this in cherries? Killed a twig with a hole straight down the middle.

Seen on a Black Walnut tree along a local bike path. Google Lens indicates Datana integerrima or “Walnut Caterpillar Moth”.


I saw a few of my Physalis peruviana fruit had dropped prematurely, and it looks like they all have been eaten by whatever this caterpillar is. Any thoughts?

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Fall army worm?