Insect and Disease Identification Thread

For folks out west, here’s an example of what you can get from UC ANR:


The preceding speedster1 image is of an elaterid, or “click” beetle.
Research beetle+elater or beetle+click or elateridae.

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…as to leaf-footed bugs, sometimes a common name is applied to an entire tribe or family of insects because a prominent feature (in this case leaf-shaped forelegs) is present on just a few species, but it is a feature most people recognize and remember.

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I have these in peach trees, even after spraying triazicide double strenght about 4 hours ago. I’m guessing it’s just a harmless plain old moth. Hope it isn’t ofm. I’m finding insect damage to peaches and have been spraying every 2 weeks just like the label says. Maybe the rain washed the triaz off, my luck.

You have to re spray after each rainfall.


Active Ingredients
Gamma-Cyhalothrin … 0.08%
Other Ingredients …99.92%

Hi Tony, since I use a sticker, I thought maybe I could get away from re-spraying after a rain. I guess I was wrong, wont happen again…thanks

Hi Richard. So, you are saying the triazicide is a little weak. Dang, it is sold here and easy to get. I will have to look for something else, now. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

The justjohn moth looks like some kind of noctuid moth, their caterpillars feed on leaves. The moth in the image has lost most of its scales, perhaps to rough handling, and cannot be completely identified.

Found a bird poop caterpillar on an apple tree. I don’t think it’s a big deal.

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That thing lives up to its name. I didn’t even know there is such a name!

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I think it’s actually a Giant Swallowtail caterpillar.


What eggs are these?

And these are ladybug eggs right?

Lacewing eggs (they are very distinct, you’ll never forget them, now!), and yes, looks like ladybug eggs (not quite in focus or large enough for me to see perfectly clearly, but about 90% sure).


First time for this… is this a codling moth in my CM trap?

ampersand: If there are no nearby citrus or your caterpillar was actually feeding on the apple, consider a different swallowtail, such as the two-tailed, for an ID.

Levers101: Your moth is a tortrix (Tortricidae) of some kind, there are hundreds, Iowa alone has dozens. The codling moth, also a tortrix, has a wing pattern different from your trapped moth.
one can click through all the blue Hodges links for all the Tortricidae to see collected and live images.

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Thanks. I did some looking at multiple photos and did come to the conclusion that what I had was not a codling moth and that it was in some closely related clade.

Wheel bug over winter on apple tree.

Hatched in April


Evidently,those Wheel Bugs pack a punch,while being a beneficial insect. Brady

I was in my orchard yesterday and spotted this bug again. I had forgotten that it was a locust leaf minor and for some reason thought he was a good guy. I let him go :confounded: I should’ve gone back and read over my own thread to re-familiarize myself with the local pests.