Insect and Disease Identification Thread

They all seem to be affected to one degree or another. The more severe ones are curling. I did not hit these with dormant oil, which may have been a mistake.

Found these guys in the ground when digging up some raspberries for transplant. Any ideas? Friend or foe?



My dapple dandy pluot tree is attacked severely by aphids. Tried soap spray several times … But with no luck…almost all new leaves are wrapped…it is impossible to unwrap the new leaves and then spray soap…any suggestions?

They are on my trees every year.I spray soap/oil mixture at first color of the flower buds,but end up not getting them all and they will usually pick a tree,this time a Flavor Grenade Pluot or some branches of other Plums.
Your flowers are probably gone,so maybe blast the tree with water.It won’t change the damage they did,but may knock some off,that are crawling on the branches and open leaves.
I applied Ortho Tree & Shrub Fruit Tree Spray after the last flowers,were just about done,to catch any Aphids out in the open.They are a real nuisance.

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That looks like glyphosate damage to me . ?

You could hope for a horde of lady bugs or bring some in. They do help and I found my first set of eggs over the weekend but by the time they arrived my tree lost a lot of vigor. It’s still looking pretty sad this year so I don’t know if the lack of vigor was caused by the aphids or if the aphids moved in because the tree was already ailing.

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I did not spray any round up nearby…this is an enclosed area, so drift from neighbors is also not possible…

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Does anyone know of a systemic control for rusts? I have red cedars that I can’t remove but I’d like to minimize the spore load that I deal with. I’m hoping that a systemic attack will destabilize one leg of the life cycle while topical sprays keep it minimized on my apples. I won’t be able to eliminate it from my area but with a bit of luck I may be able to lower the pressure over the course of a year or two.

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Rawnutphobic: beetle larva (grub)(rather than the raspberry crown borer caterpillar). So hard to say if your grub is a pest. Most raspberry pest larvae work inside the crown or further up the cane, and not in the soil.


I’m hoping that someone can diagnose what is going on with this reliance peach( Z 7A ). If flowered strongly, put out good growth, but didnt set much and now looks like its suffering under some unknown malaise. My initial thought was verticillium wilt but after reading a bit it seems like that would not affect the whole tree like this so I’m at a loss. Thanks in advance.

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I planted a summer delight aprium in spring 2020. This is the first time it’s really fruiting. For the most part, I think it looks healthy. But some of the fruit have weird moldy patches near the stem. It occurred on 7 fruit out of hundreds. I picked all the moldy fruit I could find and threw them away, but I have no idea what caused the mold or what I can do to fix it.

I don’t know if this info is helpful but I keep my tree pruned to around 8 feet. Because the tree hasn’t fruited before, I don’t really have a rigorous spray schedule yet, because I don’t yet know what it needs and when. So I only sprayed it with a mix of neem oil and copper right before the flower buds started to open. It’s pretty heavily loaded with fruit right now, and I haven’t thinned (again, cause I wasn’t sure how much to thin and when) so many of the fruit are touching their neighbors. Some pics for reference:

It’s kind of hard to see the fruits on the above pic cause, from that angle, they look the same color as the leaves. But they’re there.

And the above is a pic of the overall tree, in case poor pruning/shape might be a factor

Any thoughts on what might be causing the moldy fruit, and/or how to fix it, would be much appreciated! Thanks!


Your fruit developed brown rot, a common stone fruit disease.

I use Indar, a fungicide to combat it. If you do not spray, it will get worse.


Will do, thanks!

EDIT: Ay yah, Indar is expensive!

For anyone who might have bought Indar this year, would you be able or willing to sell me a smaller quantity? I live in a suburb of Philly, if there’s anyone local, but otherwise I’d be happy to pay for shipping. I only have 3 stonefruit trees, so I don’t think I need a whole gallon of the stuff. Maybe a pint, if anyone has a pint to spare?

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My tree is 1 year behind yours.

The general advice I see is that thinning could not only help with disease but prevent branch breakage.

I would remove ones

  • with imperfections (like from bug bites) - attack vectors for disease
  • at end of a very long branch - magnifies branch breaking capacity of fruit
  • that are smaller than the rest

Some people thin to one fruit every few inches in each branch.

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I also noticed you’re planting per your profile: Peaches: Saturn Donut, white mystery peach, yellow mystery peach.

Do those not get rot for you? Saturn Donut peaches was said to be very rot prone

The Saturn Donut has not had any rot issues (yet!). It was also planted in 2020. It fruited in 2021 with no disease issues (probably because diseases hadn’t found it yet?). In 2022, the saturn peaches fruited out nicely, but I went on a 2 week vacation during the two weeks before independence day, and when I returned the peaches had been completely eaten by, presumably, squirrels. So, I don’t know whether or not they would have had the chance to develop brown rot last year. This year, so far, there is no evidence of disease on the saturn peaches other than some mild peach leaf curl (which is what I had been spraying the neem/copper for). That being said, the peaches are smaller than the apriums, so maybe they haven’t had the chance to develop brown rot yet? This is what my saturn peaches look like right now:

The mystery peaches come from two trees at a neighbor’s house a few blocks away. I only just bud-grafted them in summer 2022, so they are not yet bearing and I can’t say anything from personal knowledge about their diseases. My neighbor does not spray the “mother” mystery trees, though, and has not said anything about brown rot or other fungal diseases on them. She only complains about insect damage and worms in some of her peaches.


Brown rot has been talked about so much. So often.

If you do a search on this forum, you will gets tons of threads on brown rot. It is a serious threat that has no organic cure if your area is humid.

Please post on one of those brown rot threads. You will likely attract those who have “been there, done that” to respond to you.

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I have no issue with spraying, I just haven’t had the need to yet since my trees are still so young!

Brown rot is THE most devastating thing for stone fruit trees that there is. I’ve trashed so many trees over it.

I would add that even with spraying you are still going to lose some of the crop to brown rot. And that’s after you just lost the PC war.