i am verry intrested in interstems to.
Where with normal grafting you can mix and match faforable traits from 2 varieties. With interstems your adding a 3e to the mix
I have searched a bit. But interstems don’t seem to be that reasearched. And the mechanisems not (completly) understood.
the most plausible thing i can think of/came accros (could not find the source right now. If i see it again ill try and post it here)
Im oversimplifying a bit. So just a heads up.
Hormonal balance and effect on rootstock interstem and top of tree.
In tree’s the Roots produce a group of hormones called Cytokines. They get produced mainly in the activly growing root tips. These Cytokines move against gravity only. So they tend to build up on the highest part of the tree/branches.
Cytokines increase shoot growth. But determining if a bud will form a shoot and how fast that shoot will try to grow.
On the oposite side of the tree, the growing shoots produce hormones from the auxines group (well known for it’s rooting effect in cuttings)
These auxines only move with gravity, downwars in the tree. These auxines inhibit the growth of shoots. And when they reach the roots. They increase the rootgrowth.
These 2 groups of hormones thus have roughly oposite effects. And keep the tree automatically balanced (rootsystem vs top growth)
balance disbalance and dwarfing
It is theorised that, a lot of the dwarfing rootstocks offset this hormonal balance. Either by producing less cytokines. Or breaking down the cytokines in the growing stem. Or by other unknown factors. Or maybe a lesser sensitivity to auxines in the roots. (lower auxine sensitivity leads to less roots gives less cytokines gives dwarfing top growth)
Resourche bottleneck
Next to these hormones, You also have the tree itself. Some varieties might have more efficient leaves. Or more efficient flow of sap etc. This means more resourches, which makes more vigerous growth possible. So even if you have enough hormones for vigerous growth. The lack of resourches (sugar starch minerals) might form a bottleneck. (which also could infer a darfing effect)
cloncusions + assumptions
This would explain why some dwarfing rootstocks give no dwarfing effect as interstem. (low hormone brakedown/botteleck in stem.) Those rootstocks probably have another mechanisem of dwarfing. (like lower production of hormones in roots. Or different sensitivity to hormones or resourche bottleneck)
And some other rootstocks do have a dwarfing interstem effect.
As far as i could find, the rootstocks that dwarfd as interstem. Also dwarfed when budded high (leave a long stem below graft union)
This seems to at least partialy exclude the theory of a “poor graft union between rootstock and interstem” being the bottleneck that causes the dwarfing effect.
I also assume the hormonal balance/sensitivity to be the main driver of dwarfing effects in comercial rootstocks. Since poor resource efficiance would probably lead to poor yields/sickly plants. Even in dense plantings. Although it will probably still play some part in most rootstocks. (i just assume it’s not the main driver of dwarfing effect. not that it plays no effect at all)
In the end. for your use case (increasing vigor with interstem)
The easier fix would probably be to try and find/layer/root a own root vigerous pawpaw. Try and get it to sucker. And use those suckers as rootstocks to graft high on. (roots of vigerous variety + interstem of same variety)
That way if the vigor source comes from a “better stem hormone or resourche transport” or from “more sensitive roots to auxines. Or more cytokine producing roots” Your good either way.
You could also graft an interstem. But if it does not increase vigor. It is likely that that variety is more vigerous because it is more resourche efficient (“better” leaves branches etc) or more sensitive to hormones (cytokines).
I would be amazed if you got significant more vigor from a pawpaw interstem. Id think you’d get more vigor for less effort by looking for more vigerous rootstock. (either seeds from vigerous varieties, or suckers from vigerous varieties)
I have almost no experiance with pawpaws. (saw them once irl and have seeds in fridge)
But has anyone seen a commercial planting of the same variety? Was there a difference in vigor between the tree’s? Could this be due to rootstocks? (where the seedling rootstocks tree’s from a controlled source? or random from multiple varieties?)
Another way to increase vigor might be how you treat your seedlings for rootstocks. As i understand it, pawpaws make a single taproot. When growing the seedlings for grafting. You can grow them in situ (on the spot of the eventual tree) beneath shade cloth. Or grow them in long tubes as pots (cut up rain-pipe or drain pipe?)
This consevers the tap-root and might lead to more long term vigour.
This was based more on my personal opinion/theory than hard proven “facts”. So take it for what it is
If anyone knows any good science thats done on interstem mechanisems. Please enlighten me