Irish spring soap for deer deterrent

Never had any damage from using irish spring. Then again I’ve never put bars directly on the roots but I doubt it would hurt the tree.

I must have germaphobe deer, as it doesn’t deter them in my work garden. If I hung bars out they’d probably knock on my door and ask for a shower cap and some towels too.


What I’ve learned is never say never.

Man I want to hang out in Mike’s garden.

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Very true. Anything in excess can be bad. I’ve had no I’ll effects from rain washing some down the trees into the drip line. However I only use a small amount in each sachet, and only use one per small tree. I’m sure if you used a few bars it would not end well.

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I kept a bar of Irish Spring by my trees last year, and it only helped the deer wash up for supper. I don’t think there are many smells that will deter a city-dwelling deer.


That could be true in the same way my squirrels are much more careful about humans than suburban ones that are rarely shot at. If they are exposed to all kinds of smells in their environment they’d be utterly frantic if they behaved in the same way they do in a less smelly environment.


Bought some 30 lb fishing line which was the highest they had at Walmart. I’m going to give the line a try. How close do you space the line and do you offset it.

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That could be why some people say it works and some say it doesn’t? I’m in the country and before I even think about running expensive fences or wires around why not try the cheaper tricks especially since the deer have not found my plants yet or at least eat on them.

This topic was basically about if the soap hanging over the root of small plants/trees would hurt the growth. From what I’ve seen it will not in small amounts so I will continue to hang the soap.

I see no reason it would work as some kind of herbicide. Here soap works until it doesn’t- I think it’s more about the availability of food which can have to do with populations levels as well as drought and other factors. However deer in any given neighborhood may operate differently for reasons I cannot fathom.

I just used the top 2 holes in the fenceposts i had, probably ~3 foot and 6” below that?

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My grandfather uses fishing line to keep birds off of his sail boat. I am not sure how it works, but it results in way less bird poop than the owl decoy. I am pretty sure there are people in the area who put food out for the deer, and they don’t panic until you get within 10 feet of them. They also panic when I unleash my dog.

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People string fishing line over chicken coops to discourage hawks.

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The birds don’t see the line when they start coming in dir a landi g.
Then… as they get close they see it and panic away.

Friends run practically inviaible thin diahing line across their koi ponds. Works well against sea gulls at least


YMMV but as a deer deterrent I ran 2 strands at about 2’ and 4’ high. Attached to stakes placed in open ground with no close tree/bush limbs or tall grass or weeds. My goal with the line itself was invisibility instead of strength. To “spook” the deer into going elsewhere. Because something was touching them that they could not see. Working theory at least…

Good luck.

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