I buried a couple of peach pits in a seed bed in the spring. This came up, which I thought was from one of those pits, but it’s still holding on to some of its leaves. This is Virginia, zone 7, and we’ve had temperatures in the low 20s. If it is a peach, wouldn’t it have dropped its leaves by now?
Looks like a peach yeah. I have two seedling peaches out and one held onto some of its leaves a lot longer than the other.
But yeah your mostly leafless… thats what like 10% foliage left or less.
Definitely a peach especially if you remember planting peach pits there
Yes, a peach.
My peaches have not fully defoliated even though we have had multiple frosts and freezes. Zone 8A
Kent, wa
Quite likely you have a seedling from the seeds you planted.
Plus it has peach genetics obviously, so if not a peach then a nectarine or something.
I had a small seedling hold some of its leaves at 10F.
Taking a guess but late growth foliage looks to hang longer on my few fruit trees.
The later the growth the later they hang onto leaves. Leaves have a lifespan like everything else.
It’s a peach or nectarine. You need fruit to tell which. If the small fruit is smooth it’s a nectarine. If fuzzy it’s a peach. You can tell soon after fruit set.
Thanks everyone. I’ll plant it out.
The picture is of a peach, nectarine, or almond. If you planted a peach pit, then up will come a nectarine or a peach.
As mentioned, peaches can hold onto their leaves for quite a long time. I’m a zone colder than you, and we’ve had temps in the high teens. I still have seedling peach trees with lots of leaves on them. First year peach seedlings keep their leaves for an especially long time.