Onion plants showed up a couple weeks early, I go look at the garden, where the last snow hasn’t yet melted off.
Two weeks until April - will the ground be ready then?
Where did I put the soil thermometer?
Onion plants showed up a couple weeks early, I go look at the garden, where the last snow hasn’t yet melted off.
Two weeks until April - will the ground be ready then?
Where did I put the soil thermometer?
Snow on the ground, most nights below freezing, forecast of 19 next Wednesday night. No Spring in NY.
80f here yesterday. Spring has certainly arrived in the West coast.
It smells like spring… But last snowfall still on the ground, heavily packed, have no idea when it will melt. Nights are still well bellow freezing.
The Japanese Beetle grubs sure think it’s spring - they’re up in the top 6 inches of my garden soil already
You should have it ranked 18+! Sex and violence!
Are you able to get to your soil?? I am not, other then a small spot not covered with snow on a south side. But it is frozen as well.
More mud than frost - soil temp right around 40
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