Is it worth it to grow the Warren pear

How did Warren pear do on the OHxF333 rootstock?

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It does fine on 333


Forgive me if this question has been asked, but which varieties bloom in same period as Warren/Magness? Just trying to figure what to graft for pollination. I have a variety of Asian pears (KG, Hosui, Tennosui, Drippin Honey, Chojuro) as well as Harrow Sweet, Ayers, Potomac, Seckel and Anjou.


How tall does the 333 get?

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My warren has a dozen or so flower clusters shaping up on the branch tips. Had half as many clusters last year that led to one fruit that dropped at large marble size. Planted the tree in spring 2016. Got it from century farms on OHXF 97. I sure hope this is the year for fruit. Meanwhile my 2019-planted Dixie Delight on callery is loaded with flowers.

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I hope someone in you area will give you an answer. In colder zone like mine, all pear trees seem to have overlapping bloom time (I have about 20 varieties grafted).

It a warmer zones, bloom time of some varieties may not overlap. However, you have several varieties growing. I don’t think you should have to worry.

My Warren has taken about 7 years to show flower buds ( this year). You probably will get to eat Harrow Sweet and those Asian pears before Warren.


In our Kansas soil 10-12 feet


Warren arrived from Edible Landscaping today. Going in with Potomac near an established Hosui.


Good choices!

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I would like the size of the 333 better than the 87 sounds like
.Any issues with the rootstock and graft? I know two nurseries stopped using the 333 on their pear trees. They would not say why just " we have had better results with the 87. Just was curious.
Thank you for your reply.

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Mine overlaps with Harrow Sweet and Ayers. It’s in full bloom right now. I’m in AL.


@MikeC maybe it’s just my tree but my warren is a slow grower. It’s on a semi std rootstock ohxf97. Planted in 2016 bare root and its maybe 8 ft tall and I’ve barely pruned it. My grafts of warren onto a large Bradford pear have also been slow compared with other varieties. Anyone else have a similar experience with warren?


This is great news. Thank you very much.

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Very interesting and helpful information. I just planted three pears trees a couple of years ago. I have been measuring all my fruit trees each year after planting them. I have been measuring them in the spring before any leaves appear. It will be interesting to see how the pears grow each year.

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Fruit can be smaller on 333 than on callery or other rootstocks. 333 is not as drought tolerant in my experience

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For me, Warren, Harrow Sweet and KG all overlap in bloom. I’m in California.


Thank you for that helpful information. We can get periods of weeks and weeks of drought. Probably not a rootstock for here then. Two years ago we had about 90 days of no rain at all. I was lucky that all my trees survived.

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DWN Warren on 333. Planted late last spring. Doing alright with blossoms just opening


In drought areas full sized trees,really are the best. We had a drought where we got just 10 inches of rain in the fruit producing season in recent years. All of my wild callery pear rootstocks still had heavy amounts of size reduced fruit. Noone else at all in my immediate area got fruit. I realize a severe drought like that is an isolated situation in Kansas but that is exactly why i grow wild callery for rootstocks.


The oil and oil prices really have to be