Is this a cherry tree?

Ok so this picture is all I got. The leaves are all gone now. This plant is a volunteer plant that just showed up in my yard. And last night it hit me that this might be cherry. A couple houses down the road there is a wild cherry tree. The leaves looked similar to me. Is it in fact cherry???
Can you tell for sure by looking at just this leaf?

Ok don’t know how to paste pictures from the phone. Will do it from the computer later.

Usually you can tell by the leaf, growth habit, bark and so on

On my iPhone, when you are done typing there is a done in blue , if you select it your keyboard disappears and on the lower right you have an upload in blue that will allow you to upload photos from your photo library

So i googled cherry leaves and this looks like it. or at least very close. in which case this could be in the same family? if so, i could use this to graft on to right?

Both the tree and the leaves look like a cherry to me.

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Looks like cherry to me too

Yeah!!! Good news!
Do you think I can transplant it now?
As you can see it is growing right next to my house. We are having some construction work done around the house and I know the guys will butcher this if I leave it there. I think I’m going to have to move it now and take a chance. If I leave it there it won’t make it to spring anyway. Hopefully it can handle being moved this late in fall.

This is a good time to move it. As soon as the leaves are off is a good time. In your zone fall is a good time. So all stars appear to be aligned.

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Thank you. I see cheeries in my future!!

Depending on what kind of cherry it is you may not see cherries at all. Some cherries are self fruitful but many others require a pollinator. Your neighbors “wild cherry” tree could be a cherry that’s not compatible with yours.

I’d transplant it and give it a couple of years to see how it grows. Wouldn’t hurt to graft some additional varieties onto it to assure it has pollinators.

SuSu, are you aware of the size of a standard sweet cherry? BIG. (Think BIng, for instance.) Grafting onto a seedling will produce a standard (of course, if it is a small species already, you are ahead of the game!) You might consider grafting a sour cherry instead, because they are semi-dwarf to dwarf. Most cherries can be grafted onto any other cherry, as I understand it - haven’t ever tried it myself, but read it several times.

Speedster and NuttingBumpus you two just killed my cherry dream :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I’ve read that you can keep a standard size tree to any size you want if you prune it well. Is that right? Would it affect the amount of fruit you get? My thinking is less branches less fruit.
I definitely don’t want sour cherries. I’m hoping to try and graft sweet cherries. I’ve never done that before but I’ll start with transplanting the tree and worry about grafting next year.

When someone says volunteer cherry, I think Prunus serotina - Black Cherry. Especially if the tree your neighbor has is a “Wild Cherry” which I also associate with Black Cherry. Great tree! But for the furniture it makes, not its fruit. I’m not sure that it is graft compatible with many culinary cherries.

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I haven’t tried myself but everything I’ve read says P. Serotina is not compatible. Too bad since they are like weeds in my area.

Given the limb shape it could be a weeping cherry. I have one with very similar leaves. The weeping cherries are an asian type of cherry, not clear what they are compatible with grafting wise.

You might be able to graft a Capulin cherry on.

Because wild black cherries are all around my property, I’ve done a LOT of reading about its ability to support a sweet or sour domestic fruit cherry and I’m 100% convinced from the research I’ve seen that it won’t work. SO I fear the OP will end up disappointed, just as @Levers101 said above.

I already am :pensive:
I was getting my hopes up… :slight_smile: