There is are several knots on the roots. Is this root knot?
Root nodules caused by wooly aphid, which is the cotton-looking stuff. You should be planting on wooly aphid-resistant rootstock such as M111 or some other Northern Spy offspring.
So I searched for Wooly Aphid and looked at some pics and I have seen Wooly Aphids on several of my other trees (on the limbs). The recommended treatment was water/soap or pruning. The cotton look stuff as you described is on the root - below ground. Is there anything to treat this?
My trees are on M111, MM106, B118, G.935, G.41 and I have trees on order that are G.11 and G.222. I will check the resistance of each. The tree in the pic came from Stark Bros so the rootstock is unknown. I dug it up because it did not grow much this year or last. Thank you for your help.
The aerial colonies infect pruning wounds or other tender places, and are only a nuisance. The underground colonies are what stunt the tree, and there’s no treatment for it other than resistant rootstock.
I checked my rootstock and it seems that G.935 is not wooly aphid resistant and I cannot find anything on B118 rootstock. Anyone know if B118 is Wooly Aphid resistant? I only have one tree on G.935 and one on B118 but I ordered 6 B118 rootstock for next year. I will cancel the order if the B118 is not Wooly Aphid resistant,