Hello Jujube experts,
I am new to jujube tree so last year I bought some wild jujube seeds online from ebay and etsy(I know not the right source) last year and cracked them open and rooted them, the plant came but I am still not seeing any thorns on them so that makes me wonder did I really got “jujube var spinosa” or got scammed. Attaching some pictures of the seed and leaves of the tree
PS: I got a honey jar from dave wilson this year so plan to graft it on the root stock in coming years.
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sad to say it is not jujube. It looks like autumn olive seeds
This is seedling jujube Seedling jujube
Thanks you are right seems like ollive tree seeds.
Autumn olive taste good as well and are loaded with lycopene
i agree autumn olive is a no-spray tree just like jujubes
and like jujus, it is rich in antioxidants so worth trying.
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Thanks seems Autumn olive is a shrub so I might try it out, But it if turns out to be Russian olive https://sheffields.com/seed_genus_species_lot/Elaeagnus/angustifolia then I will to get rid of it, The seeds and leaves do resemble like Russian olive also 
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