I planted him in 2018, as a gift to my partner who loves plums and had just finished their first round of cancer treatment. the tree has been vigorous, it got nearly 15 feet tall the following year and needed to be cut back severely so I could reach. it was one of the first bunch of trees I planted here and I did not know enough to ask about root stock etc. it is a semi dwarf Italian plum, that’s all I know.
in 2020 I tied and twisted the limber branches to shape it in a form I could reach and open it up. in 2021 I continued with this and only pruned long upright growth.
last year it set thousands of blossoms, then a handful of fruit, which mostly dropped. we did get a few to taste and they’re wonderful. tart, sweet, and juicy. small and purple with yellow flesh. they were lovely. I did no real pruning, I simply cut real vertical new growth back to a few leaves. I did prune all the growth that was at the top, to keep it within reach of my short arms with a small ladder.
this year it only bloomed at the very end of each branch, no flowers were evident anywhere within a few feet of the trunk. these few dozen flowers dropped and I can see no fruit yet. (I need to inspect in a week I think and double check). I do not want these branches to be so long, but I’m unsure and uneducated about how exactly to prune to get it to produce closer to the trunk, or on shorter branches. all I’ve done so far this year is cut out one large branch that was crossing another (it had no blooms) and pinch back the end of any tall vertical shoots. I’m not even trimming them back, just taking the tip leaves off, as I’m very afraid to damage its fruiting ability. I’ve not tightened or moved the branches that I was training along the fence. they are how they’ve been for 2 years
can I cut back these long branches without damaging it? did it overproduce and just needs a break? it’s still fairly young, so I have no plan to ever remove it (plus the sentimental value of this tree can’t be overstated).
some photos. any advice or help appreciated and I’ll try what I can.
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you can see one branch was broken in one of the photos. that is from last year and an unfortunate wheelbarrow accident