Jaboticaba at it again

May is the start of Jabo time. 4 times a year of little berries. This is an easy one to take care of.


This is a potted tree?

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You are the only person I know who has such a big tree in a pot, true jewel. Love your pictures every year! I might try myself growing one as well, thanks for posting.

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Not a pot, it’s a large container, 25 gl.not filled to the top, about 20 gl.


My container fig trees are also in large containers. They take any kind of fertilizer, old new. If I want to get rid of unused fertilizer,I give it to figs.

Have 12 figs in large containers that will give enough for us, friends and what have you. Mostly Smith figs.



I forgot to asked you what was the name of that Bamboo at your place .


How long have you had that plant?

I got one last year, but its still small.

I was in Central Florida a couple weeks back and stopped at a nursery selling these and theirs weren’t much larger than mine. (had they been bigger I might have gotten another).


Tony, the nursery was sold this spring, new owners, new prices. Old owner had 12 varieties, one is I believe Dulce’s something, green color, one nigra, black and one yellow. All had fancy names. Sorry.
That dulcy ,suppose to be edible. The black one doesn’t spread much, it’s also the least hardy. The green one gets pretty tall.

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I think you sent me the green one. it survived the -20F under the grass clippings. they re sprout to 3 feet tall now, I gave them some Urea Nitrogen 46-0-0 and hopefully, they will get real tall for me by Fall.




I got mine from the Flying Fox Nursery, guy by the name Adam, very good guy to deal with, he sells different sizes.
Just make sure, two things, water,acidic and Espoma Hollytone. No harsh stuff. Clean a lot of inside branches when tree get bigger, the smaller ones. Clean longer branches , ready for flowers and leaves at the end of the branches.

Tony, those in the picture will not get too much bigger. They will develop new corms and they will get big fast.

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