Jujube 2023

Katy, I looked up your city in the Solar atlas and you are actually in the less sunny part of Texas (the Eastern half). Your solar generation potential is only 6% more than I have, with 10.5% more direct irradiation.

Since I saw a 13% swing in my generation from one year to the next, it would seem that Katy’s production isn’t out of my reach in a good year. And I did have some very good Sihongs in 2022.

I suspect the reason that the solar potential is only 6%, while the irradiation is 10% higher is that solar panels don’t work quite as well at high temps and you’ve got plenty of those.
In fact, the site also lists your average air temperature as 67F (including winter, night, etc). A while ago, I saw something (a journal paper?) from Prof Yao which said that jujubes could be grown productively down to about 50F annual mean temp. Mine is 53F and Mamuang’s is 50F, putting her just on the line. That could be another factor.

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And that surprises me…… but we are very much more vernal than most of the Texas areas and have more rainfall I’m sure but the summer sunshine is endless and hot. Our area is fairly forested but within 30 miles or less of the start of mesquite which begins the west and trees that don’t reach the sky so to say. It’s funny too that the hardiness zone dips right in my area and could actually be on the line of 7b……that is until they made us 8b which is really a farce. I tell you what though…… I’ll trade summers with you…… :woman_facepalming:

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Thank you for the recommendation. I would considerate it if I lived in Riverside, but not here in western Vista (sunset zone 23).

But doesn’t Li do well for you?
If so, why wouldn’t Chico?

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Marta describes Chico #1 here: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/I8PqgnN2iv4?feature=share
She says it’s unrelated to ‘Chico’. I’ll give it a try here in the Arizona, 9b pizza oven.


Okay. I’m kinda of a die hard Chico fan and the Chico that was born in Chico California. I don’t know if I can do a Chico #1 that is so much different than Chico (plain). :joy::joy::joy:

Would love to try it but oh the name……



I have a similar problem. I will not grow Chico 1 unless it’s renamed.


I am with you and @k8tpayaso – I am too OCD to have two Chicos after all the work I’ve put into labeling and record-keeping for my fruit trees. Having both “Chico” and “Chico #1” would mess up my system.

But I also would hate to forswear a good jujube tree. I think that if all the jujube growers on this forum assented to a new name, we could make a de facto name change happen. All that we have to do is agree on a name, preferably one that will allow people to quickly associate the relationship between the new name and the former “official” name with minimal investigation.

I propose that Chico #1 should be renamed Chica. I could deal with having both Chico and Chica in my little orchard.


I’m not worried about the name…worst case we can take a poll and rename it later, assuming it is good. :slight_smile:

Price was a bit steep ($30 min +$12 shipping), but I ordered scionwood for both Chico #1 and Hidden Gem, an acidic jujube that sounds like it is halfway between Texas Tart and a normal sweet jujube.

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Wow, the review is amazing. I have 8 varieties of Jujube’s plus a bunch of seedlings from Sugarcane. I am very interested in the Texas Tart variety. Hopefully I can use it as a breeding stock. Where can I get some scions of Texas tart? By the way, I am in Texas

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i agree with(as well as mildly protest along with) everyone above i just quoted.

Juju aficionados are typically a chill bunch, but seems like there’s something capable of getting us ‘triggered’ :smile:

on the flip side, it does make me feel better since won’t be alone in causing a nomenclature conundrum if vegas booty ends up being genetically the same as sherwood(or another named variety ) mainly because didn’t grow all our seedlings in pots.

and having been paranoid about it, i did (sadly)manage to verify recently that juju roots(from in-ground trees)can climb up the bottom holes of our potted seedlngs even with intervening gravel. Another “duh” moment we could end up inadvertently being guilty of should the invading root manages to leaf out from within the pot… So now placing some of our ascertained cultivars on concrete slabs or pavers!


just saw one of her other juju videos, which is the inverse of how chico#1 is to chico(when it comes to shape)
she acquired a GA866 that bears roundish fruits instead of the cylindrical/cone-shaped GA866 many of us are familiar with

Looks like they have 4 scions left. That is where I originally got it from as well.

Hopefully it isn’t just Chico and GA866 swapped :slight_smile: If that was the case, I would be getting GA866 wood, which would be disappointing given that it is such a poor producer here.


The first time I saw her report on Chico #1, I wondered if it was GA866.
How would Roger Meyer have missed a tree this good?


below is the video of her reporting of the “fake GA866” . On closer look the fruits seem to be more roundish and not pumpkin shape but maybe just a regional cause-effect

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Thx. I usually eat my chico half red so that there are some acidity left.

I came across this seller on FB he has a nursery. I saw a lot of new cultivar, has anyone grown any of these new varieties? Anyone buy from this seller/ nursery?


I saw you mentioned it back in December. Did you go ahead and buy the 6 trees you listed? I’d also be interested to hear from anyone who has purchased trees from them.

Of the things they are selling, I have had fruit from Da Bai Ling. I think Horsetooth is another name for Maya (or Ma Ya).

I see a few other names I recognize, but I have no idea about some of them. I’d love to hear about people’s results with this nursery. The descriptions say 34-40" and 0.5-0.8" diameter, which is a good sized tree.


I think it is two different seller , two nursery website I think so. Both of them the prices are a little high for my budget so I don’t ever think I can buy from them. Particularly, I dont really know about the nursery. Other nurseries have been around longer in comparison. But I would like to know how they are the varieties, perhaps some other nurseries will offer the same varieties for less.

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I was only referring to “HardToFindTrees”. What is the 2nd nursery?

yes your right it is the same nursery. i think the the last time i went to that nursery it looked different and perhaps the name of the seller on FB was different. no wonder the price was similar out of my range.