It sounds like you will have a big job taking care of all that but you sure fit in on this forum! You’ve got a wide selection of fruits that should grow well for you.
I have a young Xu Thou that is fruiting abundantly. We have had a bad drought going on and watering daily and the Xu Thou has been really bad about splitting. It also takes a long time to mature. I have eaten a few that were split but until yesterday none were really ripe. I ate the first one yesterday that could be called ripe and I really liked it. It’s not sugary sweet like Honey Jar but it had a nice sweetness and texture so I’m thinking it will be a good one to lengthen my season!
I’m down south of you in East Texas in the humidity that you left.
Those of us from Kansas know the weather was tough this year! We still had a bountiful harvest with only 9 inches of total moisture in my area for the year to date. The ground is saturated again now in NE Kansas and areas an hour away received 9 inches rainfall in one day I’m told! The flooding is extreme in some parts of manhattan. Glad to see other fruit growers from Kansas. Hopefully the drought was not as severe in your area! We typically get 34 inches rainfall per year in my area so even 20 inches of rainfall would not catch us up!
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Thanks and good growing here in Kazakhstan um i mean Kansas lol… 
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Cool and thanks for the comments paulnkansas6b. We need to share location’s and see how close to each other we are. I have crabs, apples, pears, persimmons, Chinese chestnuts, and Che in the ground. I’m always looking foreward to new things to plant!
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Sounds great yeah I am between Hutch and Pratt. Where are you?
Near Burden… which is near Winfield… which is an hour south east of Wichita… Probably a little wetter (on a normal yr) than you normally are.
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Ok great! Yeah persimmon growers seem about as rare as jujube growers here in Kansas! Yeah lets stay in touch and share what works and fruits in this climate!
I think that they like water, just not the clouds needed to make the water (full sun only), unless it can occur at night or by irrigation.
So… received a very generous package of jujube to try and now I’m hooked. Very much worth the effort to try to grow them! Seeds have been removed from pits and will find a warm window to sit for the weekend. Germinated seeds will find a home in rootmaker 18’s for a few months and then upgraded to 1 gallon rootbuilders in hopes of having plants ready for transplant in their final destination by spring. I got to say you guys suck! Lots of extra work because of you all! 
Good luck! And keep us informed!!!
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impressed you even eked out a couple seeds from li! We have given up cracking li pits as most are empty, and if seeded, the seeds are non-viable.
That’s kind of why I’m trying to germinate them in wet paper towels… to maybe get better starts and a higher percentage in in pots the first try.
good luck and keep us posted!
Friends here grow cracked seeds.
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Explain? Do they just cracking the pit and plant it instead of digging out the seed?
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Just had a thought that maybe the sugary pulp that has made contact with these seed while pitting them might cause mold problems. Should I give them a quick rinse in a hydrogen peroxide or bleach solution before they start germinating?
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Yes getting the seed out apparently is a lesson in patience so they crack the pit instead gently and plant it.
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Lol, that might be a slight bit quicker and easier than how I did it!
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