Sooo… it was 13 days ago that I put the seeds in moist paper towels and I have yet to have one germinate. The room temp is 70-71, I’ve kept them moist, and not sure what else to do.
Am I being impatient or is something not right?
Sooo… it was 13 days ago that I put the seeds in moist paper towels and I have yet to have one germinate. The room temp is 70-71, I’ve kept them moist, and not sure what else to do.
Am I being impatient or is something not right?
I’m not sure what to tell you. I tried the paper towel method a couple of times but I’m not confident in how I did it and I didn’t have good results from it although many people do. I always tried to keep it warmer with heating pad and it’s hard to know how to control the temp. So therefore I just put them in the soil in a warm room in the sun. I have had some of them take up to a month to germinate but that is unusual.
@39thparallel has growing jujube down to a science so maybe he can offer some insight. Not all seeds are viable.
you’re right, something’s not right, but am not really sure and can’t think of reasons why. A few should have sprouted already. Best thing to do is try again. Will be sending some spinosa-type and contorted pits.
Are Li Jujubes truly self fertile? JF&E lists them as self fertile but I wanted to confirm that one Jujube will produce fruit. That’s all I have room for.
li is self-fertile. The only thing not self-fertile about it is that it seems unable to produce viable seeds even when open pollinated. Fruits can grow big and abundantly and will taste the same with or without pollen from other cultivars.
I had fruit on my Li when that was the only tree I had.
I’ll feel like a freeloader if you send me more seed, but it would be much appreciated!
Thanks for the replies guys/gals. I’ve grown a lot of stuff and I’m not sure what happened here. I really can’t imagine having 100% failure unless I am doing something wrong (especially since these are suppose to fairly easy).
jujus can live and be fruitful for hundreds of years. The expense and effort(if any) of planting and/or broadcasting it is minuscule relative to the long-term good it brings. If i were a billionaire, i’d send everyone in this forum(and other fruit-forums) a juju tree,-- whether you like it or not
still have a few dried ‘contorted’ and ‘vegas cooty’ jujus which i wouldn’t want to go to waste. Dont’t eat them though, as will be picking them off the ground.
I’ve seen lots of fake jujube seeds on the internet so I wonder if people are not being sold bad seeds. I’m lucky my friends grow jujubes here and if they give me seeds it’s from their trees. They are growing large sour jujubes which you have seen pictures of in some of my other posts.
I got my seed from someone on here and know it wasn’t fake. I’m sure that anything wrong is on my part, just don’t know what yet.
On a positive note; I found a couple that had germinated this morning so I went ahead and put all my seeds into soil. Hopefully more pop out a root soon!