Jujube in zone 5

try the 55 gallon barrels they list all the time for rain barrels, you should be able to get 2 or 3 rings per barrel and i believe they are PET and the PET is fairly resistant, although i could be wrong

Some sucker a lot. Some donā€™t sucker at all.

I have 2 jujube. Hopefully at least one of them has the tendency. Do you know what factors may influence whether it does or not? Perhaps those grown in a specific climate are more or less likely to? Just a wild guess. If not, I suppose I can grow seedlings. But for rootstock wouldnā€™t the sucker be better?

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Suckers might be better than seedlings or they might not be better. Some suckers are very thorny. Some seedlings make great stock and some do not.

Rootstock can vary just like jujube varieties can vary. Some are very vigorous and some are not. Some are thorny and some are not. Some tend to produce suckers and some do not. In areas where summers are dry and hot some stocks donā€™t sucker much but others do. In heavy soils some suckers donā€™t sucker much but some do. Probably the single factor that most promotes suckering is pruning trees. The trees interpret pruning as damage to the tree and many stocks will throw up suckers to provide undamaged growth.

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Thanks for your insights. Much appreciated. Iā€™m new to jujube. I got my first two trees last spring and got a small crop in the fall. It wildly exceeded my expectations. I particularly enjoyed the dried specimens. I thought they tasted like a brown sugar candy. I canā€™t wait for a much larger crop in years to come.