Jujube Ripening/Harvest Times of various Cultivars

My favorites differ from year to year in part because my tastes sometimes change but also because flavors in jujubes seem to change based on different weather conditions. This year my favorites were Black Sea, Autumn Beauty, Chico, Honey Jar, China Yellow, Orange Beauty and Li. Most years Li would not make the list but for some reason they were really tasty this year. Shanxi Li and GA866 are usually on the list but this year they were not at their peak.


That’s an impressive collection! Where did you get the Orange Beauty, China Yellow, & Park varieties? Those are new to me. Thanks,

Orange Beauty is an open pollinated seedling I grew out and named. It has very pretty fruit and very nice flavor. I got China Yellow (also China Orange) and Park from Roger Meyer.I have about 10 jujube trees in the ground and about 50 in pots.


sent you a pm regarding che suckers, and also interested in buying budwood/suckers from your home-bred seedlings. Preferably suckers. You probably already noticed, this poster has a bad case of “jujube hoard-itis”

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I have two seedlings you might want wood from - Orange Beauty has very nice fruit although I don’t yet know how productive the tree is going to be. Sweet-Tart on the other hand is possibly the most productive jujube tree I have ever seen. The fruit is very tart and very sweet at the same time compared to Chico which is mildly sweet and mildly tart. Sweet-Tart is very late, my latest tree other than Winter Delight. I don’t have all of Roger Meyer’s trees but I have most of them. Between me and Clifford England I think we have all of them except the Russian trees. Oddly enough I used to have one of the Russians but got rid of it after one season because I didn’t like the fruit. I should have waited and seen how the fruit tasted in other years but I was still pretty new to jujubes back then.


we’re seriously into any bud wood you have which you think are novel, especially your home-bred ones.

there are three have come across who’ve been happy with their seedlings-- Cliff England, this gentleman from texas(who i’ve lost contact with), and you.

you could insinuate even just a few of those into the che’s package and will be more than happy to renumerate :slight_smile:

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I’ll include their wood too

again, BIG thanks!

Its interesting your Winter Delight is so late.Both Winter Delight & Li are mid season varieties for me here in Dallas; otherwise my results are about the same as yours. I got my Winter Delight about 8-9 years ago from One Green World; where did you get yours?



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That is very interesting. Mine came from One Green World also. I have two of them. They are both extremely late. It may have something to do with cool spring weather or cool weather during flowering.

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your winter d’s are also mid here, but our li’s are some of the earliest(and we have 20+ in-ground li’s), so that’s another discombobulation. It is just crazy !
our li’s are the oldest trees, btw, and only this year that noticed their ‘ability’ to be early, so perhaps age has a lot to do with it.


Hopefully I can report on Winter Delight next year- I have a branch or two of it from you. It may not ripen for me, if it is starting in mid-Oct in CA.

I think I have at least one, if not two small grafts of the Russian ones from Roger. But, I think I got the last batch of scionwood he sent out and it was pretty hard to read the labels. I asked for “Kitaiski 2” and Sovietski, but he labeled them with numbers- as in from 1 to 6, among the 6 Russian cultivars he has. Since it was written on translucent tape, I had trouble telling the 2 from the 5. Also, unless he changed how he numbers them, the “2” may be “Kitaiski 60”, as “Kitasiski 2” is numbered 1 in his list.

This fall I started a bunch of So seedlings (and trying to germinate more). I’ll size them up for a while, then plant some and give the rest away. Hopefully I can keep track of them and eventually visit the recipients at the right time :slight_smile: I would have preferred Honey Jar seedlings, but I didn’t have many of them this year (small graft) and didn’t think to start saving them before they were almost gone.


Here’s how Roger originally numbered the Russians -

  1. Kitaiski 2,
  2. Kitaiski 60,
  3. Oo Sene Hun,
  4. 29-16 TOC,
  5. Sovietski, and
  6. Ta Yan Tsao

I wonder if any of the early ripening jujus could make it up here in z5 Maine…

My all star performers here in Dallas are Winter Delight & Shihong, how do they do for you?

I don’t have any experience yet with Cassandra & Coco, how do you like them?



HJ is a good choice for you. The fruits still taste good, crunchy,and sweet even when though they are still in a green state. So if Winter comes early and you still can harvest them. Mine began ripened in late August here in Zone 5.


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Winter Delight is always my last to ripen. It’s got pretty good flavor, probably somewhat better than the average jujube. Cassandra and Coco are above average in flavor but not very large and not really that memorable.

Bob I’m glad the wood took. It’ll be interesting to see when yours ripens

did you mean massandra?

I meant Massandra…