Jujube rootstock and scionwood (shanxi li) available

I have several extra jujube rootstocks of various sizes and Shanxi li scionwood.

PM me if interested.



I’m sending some of these to a few of you here for free with just the cost of shipping.

I do have more, but would have to go dig them up. Id like to sell them for a small fee plus shipping cost to recoup some of my expenses in this expensive hobby if anyone else is interested.


Have any left.
Shanxi li scionwood For apple.

Do you still have/offer the ShanXi Li scionwoods? I would like to try to graft on to one of my jujube tree. Thank you.

Hi, Tyler,
Do you still have/offer the ShanXi Li scionwoods? I would like to graft it to my small jujube tree.

Hi, Tyler,
I am a new member, so I don’t know whether my reply reaches you. When you said, “PM me if interested,” I don’t really know how to PM (Personal Mail??) you.

You can alert Tyler by putting @ in front of his handle name i. e. @tenns If Tyler still read the forum, he will know you mentioned him.

For private messaging, click on his avatar, you will see a symbol of an blue envelop on the right side of the page. Click on the envelop, it will allow you to pm him.

Keep in mind, his offer was in March, 2018, over 3 years ago.

Thank you for your message. Well, I don’t think Tenns (Tyler) is not active any more, so I didn’t try @tenns. I did try to click the avatar of tenns, but I cannot see any “blue envelop.”