Jujube rootstock: Zizyphus spinosa

They won’t all germinate and then there will be deaths :flushed:. Usually I end up with ~50% as plants. The very best of those will be kept to see what fruit they make and the others will be used as rootstock.


Here’s an updated pic


those are the real mccoy’s. Quite impressed, apart from intrigued, by that canadian dealer!

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What is so special about this fruit? how come people grow it?

How about this article.

Hi Travis, I want to buy Zizyphus Spinosa seeds

Xin chào, tôi muốn mua hạt giống Zizyphus Spinosa

Here’s where I got mine

Thank you very much, how many seeds does $4.75/pkt include?

Good question, I honestly don’t remember. I think I ordered 2 packets and ended up with about 18 plants.

Englands also sells some

I’m currently in Vietnam and I don’t know if I can survive growing it?

Ziziphus jujuba will likely survive if grown in highlands of vietnam, or where there are 4 seasons. It may even thrive in subtropical areas but might not be as productive if location gets less than 150 hrs of winter chill

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Do you have any information about sour jujube trees used to make rootstock for jujube trees? Is it wild apple or Xinjiang jujube? Thanks.