I got my JFaE order today as well. 4 trees all on their own roots (though I should double-check for graft unions ).
You picked the right one to get. It looks like their WD are all big ones. Mine was 3/4" caliper, while the HJ and SC were 1/2" and the Lang (which was a bit of an afterthought in my order) was 1/4". The WD was 3/8" caliper where they cut it off to fit in the box (~4’ tall), so it was probably 6-8’ tall before they cut it. .
Ouch. I felt bad pulling the tree apart from the other tree in the box (2 trees per box). I lost 1 fruit in each box, but they were relatively small ones. I’m not sure of which tree (HJ or SC) had the fruit in the 2nd box, as I don’t see any on either now. But Winter Delight has several, though I’ll be happy if even 1 fruit ripens on the new trees.
You mentioned earlier that AB is one of the first to ripen, so it wouldn’t be surprising for this to be AB, given that it is apparently the first (of the 4…) from JFaE to set fruit.
In case anyone is interested, they still have more of it in stock: