Jujubes- Our New Adventure

Jujube “Teapot”

Introduction of Teapot Jujube (linkedin.com)


I wonder if the bottle gourd jujube has another name like Hulu? I think Cliff has Hulu.

Hulu and bottle gourd is the same thing. One is the English name, another is Chinese pronounsation.

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Thanks @IL847, I’m trying to decide what varieties of jujube to order for next year. So I contacted Chinesereddate and they don’t reply period.

Ordered scion recently and received the order promptly. Email responses are not super fast but within a day or so in my experience when placing an order. Not sure about general inquiries. Check their website in early March to see what’s available and place an order if any available ones interest you.

I did check recently. In fact when I saw them update in March 2, I sent the email, then I saw the update to say 5 buds minimum. However I did save a screen shot before they changed the minimum. So apparently they did see my email and decided to change the minimum.

Sorry that happened to you. That is not nice. 5 bud minimum adds up fast. Ended up spending 60 for 3 varieties.

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Yes, I only want one of each.

Anyone knows this jujube? What is it?
I read it’s red Indian jujube.

Imagem WhatsApp 2023-04-05 às 14.53.57


It’s a red Indian jujube.
It’s called Pakistani Red.


How are the taste?

I have never tasted them but online comments suggest that they are not one of the better Indian jujubes taste-wise.

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Hello! I’m new to this forum and jujube growing altogether but have always been a HUGE fan of this fruit. It’s my all-time favorite fruit and I grew up eating it from Korean supermarkets. I can eat kilograms of it at a time, so addictive.

Now that we have a garden, I’ve just bought 2 trees. After doing a lot of research and shopping around, unfortunately we are very limited in our choice of varieties here in Germany. It was possible to have scionwood shipped out to us from the US or even bare-root trees from Edible Landscaping, but it’s so, so expensive. So I pulled the trigger on a Li and a Parvenec. Has anyone heard of the Parvenec variety? It’s supposed to have large, crisp fruits, and is thornless.

The trees are supposed to be arriving in about a week (potted) and I’m still a bit puzzled on how to go about putting them in the ground. I have them planned on moist, healthy soil with full sun. Will be checking drainage today. Do you plant potted jujubes like apples, where you keep the union 2 inches above the soil? And do you prune directly after putting them in the ground?

So excited to be finally joining this forum and starting my own jujube adventure!


Welcome. @Harbin in Europe (Czech Republic?) has so many jujubes. Some of them sound great. Maybe, he could chime in.

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I would have thought getting a Black Sea would be easier here but there is no market for jujubes and it’s virtually unknown.

Hello, i really enjoyed the longevity fruit and mushroom jujube you posted. I am into odd shapes jujubes. Could you point me in the direction where i can buy these trees? I am in southern California. Thanks


Here is the one and only fruit from my “China Yellow”. It set fruit for the first time this year. The fruit is still small. I hope it is true to label.


It is looking like it could be the real thing. Glad you have it.


Grafted it in 2021, I think. In 3 years, it only grows to about 1.5 ft!!

I can send you scionwood this winter.


@k8tpayaso , @BobVance , @PharmerDrewee , @castanea, et al,

I grafted several varieties on my So tree. Unfortunately, those tags become illegible. While most grafts do not hold on to the fruit, this one does.

I know from the shape that it is not So. I have Bok Jo, Hatien Jade, Ant Admire and 3-4 other varieties grafted.

Will you be able to figure out for me what variety is this one?