Is there a difference between Chico and Panzao? They look very similar in shape.
Chico is smaller fruit with a slight tart taste.
Ok. I was just curious. I have a Chico, but I had never heard of panzao before.
I’ve tried to graft Panzao several times with no take. I also have one called persimmon that is very flat and similar to Chico but the persimmon has seeds whereas Chico doesn’t.
I think this one will be bigger on a mature tree.
I was about to day it appears tiny. I love to graft a donut jujube one of these days.
I think once the tree is more mature then the fruit will get larger. The YouTuber just posted more photos.
There may be more varieties of donut jujubes. Just like peaches and nectarines.
I have a couple of seedlings that are throwing flat jujube fruit.
Need help from you guys identify a few varieties that I lost tags.
Is this Orange Beauty?
What is this variety?
Just winterized all the newly grafted jujube trees from cold Winter and rabbits. Filled up wood chips inside chicken wire rings.
I want your fence!!!
Yes, me too. 6 feet tall black metal fence. So far no deer jump in yet but the rabbits still can squeeze through. That is why I am using chicken wire so they don’t griddle my young jujube grafts.
Just saw this new improved large Honey Jar jujube fruits photos. Hopefully in a few years this large honey jar jujube will be a go to jujube.
Look great. Hope they taste as good as they look, too.
It may be somewhere is this enormous thread, but I’m wondering if anyone can tell me how Jujube would do planted on a clay/rocky hillside that gets full day sun and obviously drains well, borderline drought conditions at various points of the year? On this hillside, when we purchased the property, we cut down some large cedars that were growing well and a big Autumn Olive but otherwise the grass doesnt look like its thriving.
I’ve seen a picture of one growing on a cliff like surface that looks like rock. I would think they would do well. They are actually considered to be in invasive plant.
Looks like Prof Yao submitted cultivar info for a lot of jujube varieties to be published.
It is available in the below link on pages 34-37:
Very interesting that they found many varieties to have identical DNA sequences such as Li with Dabailing and Lang with Junzao, which happens to be a popular commercial variety in China.