June bugs ate my apple trees

My traps have been doing good catching thousands of June bugs but here in the last week they started mating and eating my apple trees before I caught them I’ve been spraying with soapy water but it doesn’t seem to be doing the trick so I went to Seven insecticide spray last night. One is a Granny Smith and the other ones a Pink Lady.

I planted these bare root trees 3 months ago I was actually thinking about relocating them this winter what should I do with them now since there are no leaves on them?

I thought about putting the trap near the trees since it’s 200 ft away from my fruit trees however I thought that might attract more June Beatles to the area

We’ve been getting evening showers here will that Seven spray lasts for 7 days and kill the june beetles when they eat the leaves or will it wash off instantly?

Those are different than our June bugs…

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Do June bug traps utilize pheromone attractants like Japanese beetle traps? If so, I’d get them as far as away from your trees as possible. At the neighbors’ would be even better :wink:


I think you have the wrong name for the bug pictured…
looks like the kind that eat all the leaves from black locust trees … I’m not sure of the bug ID.

No just lights.

I probably do have the wrong name I just called them all June bugs


June bugs are ‘native’…and look like a great big “Japanese” beetle.
Typically they don’t do too much damage…but can eat/ruin a lot of blackberries.


Use a spreader sticker when spraying the Sevin. Nu Film 17 is popular here. Southern Ag Sticker Spreader has worked OK for me and is cheaper.

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Junebugs are dark green. Those look like Asiatic brown beetles. Do a little delving for info to control them.

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our junebugs are bigger and dark brown, almost black but dont eat fruit trees or crops . those dont look like ours. no japanese beetles here.

Hard to match popular names with actual beetle.
From Wikipedia: Phyllophaga is a very large (more than 900 species) in the subfamily Melolonthinae. Common names for this genus and many other related genera in the subfamily Melolonthinae are May beetles, June bugs, and June beetles. They range in size from 12 to 35 mm (0.47 to 1.38 in) and are blackish or reddish-brown in colour, without prominent markings, and often rather hairy ventrally. These beetles are nocturnal, coming to lights in great numbers.


No matter what they are they’re devastating my fruit trees. Any advice on what I should do with the apple trees now that they have no leaves and how long Seven will actually stay on the leaves and protect the trees?

I figure I’ll go out around 10:00 every night and check I’m worried now that I sprayed the fruit trees that they’re going to spread to my muscadines and blackberries I’ll just have to keep my eyes open for them every night.

People in middle Tennessee often call these things hardback beetles or June bugs, even though they are quite different than the large green June beetles (which we rarely see here). These things cause a lot of minor damage on my grape vines, but not much else. They partially cut the shoots about 6-8 inches below the tip, so the tip wilts and dangles down. It does not really hurt the vines, just interupts the new growth, which is annoying if I’m training the vines, but not an issue at all on mature vines.

Depending on where you live, they are also known as May beetles.


Net them. They’re little, it should be easy


They are not visible during the day I guess they’re hanging out in the woods I only see them after 10:00 at night so I really can’t net them all night long, the spray seems to be working though.

I don’t have any scented traps however that got me thinking maybe the Irish spring soap I’ve got at those trees to protect against deer. I wonder if the soap is attracting those beetles I think I’ll take them down for the next month since right now deer are not as much a threat as the Beatles. Plus I got motion sensors to let me know when the deer are out there

I mean wrap a net around the tree, secure it, and leave it on.


Asiatic beetles are attracted to things they can eat. Irish spring soap is not going to do much for them or against them. I agree with the suggestion to net the trees. Also, fertilize them with a liquid fertilizer so they have nutrients to grow a new flush of leaves. If you get with the program, they should recover in time to prepare for winter.


This has happened to me. Japanese beetles have eaten almost all the leaves off my year-old apple trees (honey crisp and Snow Sweet). Would light pruning (and fertilizer as mentioned above) encourage new growth, or would that stress them even more? I am in the middle of Missouri, and it’s Aug. 2. (First frost usually mid to late October).