finally, i have answered my question about these two varieties.
Hope it helps others.
kokuso korean vs Illinois everbearing mulberries
very similar in size and taste
kokuso is a little more juicy than illinois everbearing
you do not need to collect both variety unless you are a collector. you can pick just one. illinois advantage is being everbearing longer ripening season compared to kokuso
i tried 1 ripe Gerardi Dwarf similar but seems a little drier than illinois and kokuso… anyone fine that to be true? im still waiting for it to ripen more to sample.
Can anyone tell me more about flavor similarity and texture of thai dwarf, wellington, oscar, david smith, Dwarf Everbearing, Ho’O, Shangri La , Gerardi Dwarf , worlds best? they all seem quite similar than the persian, pakistan, black beauty I think these are shaped and flavor different on their own.