Kumquats Galore!

This is my aunt’s Kumquat tree. I’m not sure what variety it is. But it is a winner for sure. It never gets watered, fertilized or pruned but has a ton of Kumquats on it year round! I love snacking on it while playing fetch with her dogs. :slightly_smiling:


If the kumquats are oval in shape, most likely Nagami. That’s the most popularly sold cultivar here in California. And, Nagami has that nice, round, compact growth habit. Kumquat trees are such pretty trees, and probably one of the most carefree citrus cultivars out there. So are Calamondin trees. Very pretty, Vin. My dog had a penchant for eating kumquats, does your auntie’s dog snack on them?

Patty S.

Nagami most likely then. The dogs don’t care for it. Good thing, more for me! :smile:

Oh my goodness that tree is huge and how old? It is wonderful Bleeding (really don’t like that name, hard to call such a nice man bleeding) :wink: What will you do with all of the fruit? Make marmalade? It would be fabulous! Wow what a magnificent tree!!!

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MrsG, click on my profile. I’ve added my name now. :smile:

That tree is actually not that big. 10 feet tops.

Vinod! Great name! That tree is big to me. Its a beaut.

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This is an old post but “WOW”! That is gorgeous!

10 feet is huge for a kumquat tree! Nagami if oval and sour, Meiwa if round and sweet.


I am in NY, I can only have potted citrus. I just added two Meiwa and one Changshou Kumquat to my collection this year. They are from Logee’s in CT and have buds already-that is probably the thing I am most excited about this season among my plants.

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