Large 300yo tree cut down by teen vandal ... question

Wasn’t sure if people saw this news story about this old famous tree that was cut down:

I was curious… could they try to suspend the top cut-off part with a crane that lowers the top part back onto the bottom stump … and basically hope the tree reforms a huge graft union?
Lets say its held in place even more with some large tape/glue.

Realize its prob too big to ‘graft’, but thought I’d ask,


That’s not going to work. The top is already dried out. And no way to prevent further drying while the union heals up. And it’s likely that the union won’t be close enough to heal back. Further it would be difficult to hold the top still enough. That’s just a non starter.

What is possible is the tree growing back from a sprout off the stump.


I bet that the stump sends up all kinds of new life… I stumped out about 15 chestnut trees and they are all happier than ever.

Pic for example of how nature works.


Sure, i was thinking the same (but won’t be a tourist attraction anymore until another few hundreds years)… just was wondering if it could be saved with some extreme grafting tactics.
Seems like @fruitnut said it can’t though :frowning: .

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Sad story.


With enough money, almost anything can happen.

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Money can’t buy everything though. Well maybe 90% of things, but not this one :frowning:


Decades ago (really) I saw this tree. My family comes from Northumbria originally (my grandfather came over after WW2) and we visited back in the 80’s. I remember Hadrian’s wall and that tree well…

Such a shame.


Reminded me of a poem I came across months ago after hearing about some other destruction of a natural wonder.


They haven’t figured out how to repair that. Science can not solve everything.

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Sad that somebody is so sensitive to a post that should not be offensive.

I’m reminded the Bible says "nothing shall offend them’ … speaking of Christians.

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