Largest tomato 2022

I missed out last year on the large tomato competition. My daughter found this monster that I think you all will appreciate. Let’s see your largest tomato of 2022!

Metric and imperial!


Well, I don’t have visual proof of this one, but we cut it in half because it pegged out our one pound scale. My wife cut it in half and she measured two 11oz pieces. So, 22oz total of a orange KY beefsteak.


This year I think my largest might have been this one so far. It’s a Cuor di Bue at 1087 grams or 2 lbs and 6.3oz.


Wow, nice colors. How’s it taste?

Excellent, fruity tomato less acidic than your average tomato. I rate it 8.5/10. While I was cutting it, I felt like I was butchering a cow. Very meaty, minimal number of seeds. I’ve been growing this variety for the past 3-4 years.

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Thanks, I might have to try that one. I’ve grown similar varieties in the past. Closest thing to that I’m growing to that is German Strawberry. There’s a few almost ready to pick.

Well, it does translate to ‘ox heart’…

Yes. It’s basically an Oxheart,

This is the Beefsteak variety, it broke into two pieces as I was pulling it off the plant.


I found this on a search the other day trying to figure out my local legend tomato that is usually 1lb… often 2lbs or more… im still trying to track it down.



German Strawberry, a pink oxheart variety. Larger one was 20oz, taste is mild, sweet and not too acidic.


Mega Marv keeps pumping out large beefsteaks, but nothing has broken the 2 pound mark yet.


Wonder if he used composted chicken or turkey manure. An indeterminate variety will go crazy on that stuff.

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Picked this big boy today, it’s a Mamie Brown. Had to cut it in half to fit on our 1lb scale, measured out to about 28oz. It is very meaty inside, and had very good flavor, slightly sweet, low acid. I think it’ll be in our rotation next year. I’ve never heard of this variety before, found it at Dollar General of all places.