Late blooming variety observations

All of my apples have bloomed and are pretty much dropping petals but I noticed a small graft of Frostbite was just starting to bloom today. Maybe it is blooming late because it is a small graft, but I thought I’d make a note of it since I’m always interested in varieties that seem to bloom notably later than others.

Also of note this year: Reine des Mirabelle was my latest blooming plum and once again Surefire tart cherry was later than other tart cherries (and all other stone fruits). Other late varieties were Shropshire Damson, Cambridge Gage Plum and Black Gold Cherry.


Redfree apple seems to be a bit later in the bloom cycle for me. Court Pendu Plat is definitely a later apple it is at open cluster now and 90 % of my other apple varieties are post bloom.


I’ve been having a hard time finding a pollination partner for my Indian Free peach due to its incredibly late bloom time… it has been blooming 3-4 weeks after the mid-season bloomers. I planted a Double Jewel this year, which is supposed to be a very late bloomer, and it was still about a week before the Indian Free!

Rome beauty Apple blooms almost 2 weeks after golden here
I do not like the apples but it often has a crop when others get frosted

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I’ve seen photos from @Drew51 of his Indian Free. Drew, do you have a recommended pollinator?


All of mine are fairly early bloomers, yet still set fruit for Indian Free
I think any peach or nectarine will do. I have three nearby. Arctic Glo nectarine is closest, both PF Lucky 13 and the Nectaplum are farther away. I suspect Glo is the father to most fruit. Some years 13 and/or the nectaplum had few blooms, yet Indian Free has never failed to produce. So i would say any peach or nectarine will work.

Indian Free was the latest blooming peach or nectarine for me, yet still set fruit from the earlier bloomers pollen. Overlap does exist. I’m seeing fruitlets just forming on my stone fruit, it looks like a good year.


I’ve been slowly transitioning apple trees to other varieties. Two year old grafts are definitely leafing out later than the rest of the apples.

I’m having the same problem with Indian free. What rootstock is yours? Mine is on Lovell. I was at a nursery a couple weeks ago and they had Indian free on citation in bloom. Mine is barley bud swelling and a few buds have fallen off with touch.

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Marjorie’s Seedling is my latest blooming plum.

Morus Nigra is the latest blooming mulberry.

Comice is my latest blooming pear except for Invincible (Delwinor) which flowers twice, the second flush very late.

I have a hobby breeding project for very very late blooming apples. The french have a whole genre of late blooming apples. My breeding population:

Court Pendu Plat
Crawley Beauty
Reinette du Mans
Reinette Amourique
Belle Fille de Salins

Slightly earlier:

April Queen
Appletown Wonder
Lane’s Prince Albert
Reinette D’Amboulne


My Indian Free is on citation

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Of the apples that i have that are blooming… they go in this order…

My flowering crab… it must be in FG1 it blooms about a week and half before my Early Mcintosh apple which is FG2. The crab blooms long and stops blooming just before my Early Mcintosh does.

Next to bloom is Gold Rush… which per orange pippin is supposed to be in FG4.

Next…just a few days later id Hudsen Golden Gem… which is supposes to be FG3.

Next. Just a few days later is Akane… another FG4.

This is my first year for HGG and Akane to bloom.

HGG Akane and Gold Rush are all blooming at the same time now and have been for a week or more. My Early Mcintosh is still blooming too.

Got lots of cross-pollination happening this year.

And my last to bloom is Novamac FG4.

No blossoms open yet but wont be long.
It is on b9 and espellar… on a south facing slope just off a tall brick wall… which I would think would make it bloom earlier than normal… yet it remains my last to bloom.


What about your o Henry ? I’m also giving that one a go. It’s also On Lovell

The only tree I have on Lovell is Arctic Glo nectarine. It’s doing ok, has buds which should open soon.

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Here is a picture of a Raritan Rose peach graft (top) on a Blushingstar peach tree. Not the best picture, but the Raritan Rose buds are still closed, while the Blushingstar is further along. Blushingstar itself is a somewhat later bloomer,
so Raritan Rose seems like it might be a pretty late blooming peach.

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Novamac is a late bloomer for me. Red Rebel is also late so they should be good pollination partners. Dayton doesn’t have any bloom buds but it is leafing out late.

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The most detailed resource I’ve seen for apple bloom times (and aliases) is the national fruit collection UK.

They have records for the following types of fruit.

And give details by week of bloom opening.

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