Leaf disease on gold kist apricot

Can anyone identify what insect/pest/disease has been making a meal on my gold kist apricot?

Are you talking about the fuzzy leaves in the middle or the bigger leaves that were eaten by some insects?

I was talking about the bigger leaves that were eaten. Also on the fuzzy leaves, is that a problem?

There are so many bugs on the spring that munch on young leaves. Some do it during the day. Others during the night.

If damage is not extensive, you can leave it alone. If not, look into Spinosad for spray.

I have not seen that kind of fuzzy leaves on my apricots but I don’t have Gold Kist. Maybe, @Stan can help you with this.

Some diseases can also do that to new leaves… coryneum blight for example. It can be hard to tell bug vs disease damage sometimes.

That’s how young leaves coming out of the bud look on any apricot.

Regarding who eats the leaves I have no idea. There are many leaf-eating insects and I’m not an expert on that.

I obviously am not that observant :grin:. My focus is on flowers and fruit. I have my priority, ya know.

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Check for aphids on the lower surface of the leaves. Sometimes aphids cause new leaves to come out deformed, as if they have been chewed.