Here I start! Teehee
Here is Leah - Cot! This tree is maybe in it’s 4th year and is on Citation. It has been through the ringer as we had some “behavioral problems” (Pruning) in which someone had to cut almost all branches off in the 2nd year and start over. Not saying who that was
We got a few fruit in it’s 3rd year …hubby and MIL loved them! Me…I can’t remember. But then the inferno (120°) of 2018 happened and this poor tree’s leaves were fried to a crisp. I was horrified.
This year, as you can see, it came back like nothing ever happened. Amazing! Loaded with fruit and bushy as ever. I have decided no summer pruning this year (Except water sprouts), will handle that this winter.
The fruits are huge…maybe about 2 1/2"…picture does not do it justice. So Cal peeps I think this one is a keeper here in the Inland Empire! They are just beginning to ripen, probably another week before I will pick the first one.