Life in Kansas! (Late Freeze)

Ouch! The apricot i’m referencing is at 10th and Pierre in Manhattan. I put a street view link in this post from a while ago.

It’s between the sidewalk and the street, so technically on public property. Wouldn’t be hard to snag some budwood. Or to scoop some seeds off the sidewalk the third week of July. Always had fruit, but I almost always missed the ripening window, as it was pretty reliably the week in July that I had a big conference to go to. When I did try it, it was pretty tasty, if small. I’m 105% certain the fruits were not thinned, and pruning was minimal to nonexistent. They might be bigger and tastier under more careful management. The other thing that shouldn’t be discounted is that being in town, right next to a nice warm street, may help protect the blooms. That being said, there’s another smaller apricot across the street that I don’t remember ever seeing fruit on, but you can see it in the google street view link.