Lions mane

Thanks to all who replied on the walleye. I will be trying one of the spots you all mentioned some time in the next few years.

I live 1/3 mile from Lake St. Clair. Iā€™ve fished from shore here a few times and all Iā€™ve caught is bassā€¦

Iā€™ve caught walleyes on Lake Huron (Port Austin area) on a chartered boat a couple times.

Iā€™ve got to find a local spotā€¦lol


BTWā€¦ I ordered Wine Cap spawn and have already gotten my cardboard out and will be spreading wood chips this next weekā€¦

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try elm oyster spawn and blewits as well. i put blewit spawn in my compost pile and now i get a flush of them every fall right next to the compost pile as well as everywhere Iā€™ve spread the compost. did the same with wine caps 5 years ago and are still getting flushes under my plants. as long as you keep mulching your plants they will keep coming up.


make sure your wood chips and spawn have direct contact with the soil. if it doesnā€™t, it may not establish. no idea why but thats what it takes. the 1st time i tried it it didnā€™t work because i put cardboard down before the wood chips/ spawn. id put the cardboard on top to keep in moisture but rip it up in smaller pieces so the mycelium can breathe . i used oat straw instead. good luck!

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I ordered a supply of liquid culture. I hope to expand it and inoculate my bed with it.

I put mine under some pine trees and scraped out the weeds. Spread about 2 inches of chips and sprinkled spawn on top. Repeated this with about 3 layers. I watered a few times during dry spells for the first summer. I didnā€™t use cardboard, but I see it recommended in the mushroom catalogues.

I fish for walleye from shore sometimes. I much prefer fishing on the docks we have on the island. I go at night and cast with a pencil plug. It needs a split shot weight so that when floating the nose is down at a 45 degree angle. Reel in as slow as possible. The walleyes come into the shallows at night to get the minnowsā€¦ The minnows are after the mosquitoā€™s. So when the mosquitoā€™s are at their worst is the best time. You can use a replella too.

Sounds good! Although I lost a lot of varieties this year. My stone fruit is suffering from being too wet. Many second even 3rd year grafts died on me. argh! One tree even looks like it may die. Oh well an opportunity to fill a void. I will mound very high this time!


Yes, my plum grafts started off nicely but seem to be flagging now. The ground is still soggy around all my trees.

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Darn I just laid down the cardboard and 4 inches of fresh woodchips down this morning (I beat the rains by mere minutesā€¦)

Spawn hasnā€™t arrived yet.

So I should remove the cardboard before spreading out the spawn?

Are your blewits actually purple-ish as on the internet? Do they smell sweet/lilac/orange juice? How are they for eating? Any chance I could get a quart or so of soil?


I had zero success with plums this spring. I just figured it was my poor luck (though before this year I was 75% on plums).

I have had zero luck spraying this year for insects, though. I tried, but it just keeps raining and washing everything off. More than 1/2 of my apples are showing a crescent scarā€¦ : (


PS> Iā€™m up for a fishing trip/scion exchange as wellā€¦

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I used to fish ll the time, I want to do more this year, but I missed most of the walleye season. I seem to always be busy.


So today I discovered this is a thing. chip drop is a companies that connect gardeners with arborist so they can dump there wood chips and logs.


When is the best tine to go. (Walleye fishing on the island) I would have thpught fish-fly season (which really hasnt happened yet. At least not in my neck of the woods)


They run through the river in large numbers in the Spring. April is in about the middle of it.
You can catch them all year though. Itā€™s hit or miss. Some nights, nothing, some nights as many as 7 fish. Most I caught in one night. Right now is best. As the year goes on itā€™s harder. Perch fishing anytime, but can be slow some days. You can catch any number of other fish too. Lotā€™s of bass around also. Pike are all over. If you want to try off the island, you need to spend the night, which is fine. Your welcome, kids, wife etc.
I was thinking we could go drifting too, but currently I donā€™t have a boat in the water. My daughter will next year, and she loves to fish too. She has the knack, usually catches more than me. Last time we went with three people. I caught 4, the other guy caught one, and she caught 6! The limit in the river is 6. We only fished 2 hours. That was when they run in the spring. Set up is worm harness and we use a weight that is on a rod. It prevents some snags. I have that stuff. Walleyes are wimps, much more fun to catch casting gear. You can fish for them during the day too, but harder to catch off the island, much easier on a boat during the day.

You should at least come up for a day trip to see the place. If your kid(s) likes to swim itā€™s a great place for them. We have a high dive, slide, water is deep, they have to swim :slight_smile: Although we have a sort of kiddy pool we designed too.


I think the mycelium will go through the cardboard and reach the dirt, if that is even necessary. You may want to leave a few gaps to make it easier. Each speck of spawn will spread in all directions. If you spread them out evenly in several layers, they will all conjoin into one dominant network and fend off invading mushrooms for a while. I think the most important thing is to water if it gets dry during the first year.

we bred our bailey and got 6 pups. 2 had cleft lips. 1 died of pneumonia the 2nd. is still going but we have been bottle feeding him every 3 hrs. now for 3 weeks! its really cut into my spring fishing but seeing the little guy thrive makes it worth the sacrifice! theres a reason 50 yr. olds donā€™t have kids! :wink:

LOL! I grew up raising puppies, my parents were breeders when they were younger.
I have bred a couple of my dogs before too. We were lucky very little problems sometimes a pup didnā€™t make it, to be expected.
Speaking of dogs, sometimes they wish to inspect the morning catch!

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Anyone got an ID on these mushrooms i see growing out of my Gardenia potsā€¦i used a lot of bark chips/peat moss in my mixā€¦cut them up and throw them in my omelette?

Funny. Seriously though, I would never trust mushroom identification via anyone but an expertā€¦and not over the internet. At least those donā€™t have true gills like most of the deadly shrooms. Maybe they would just give you excruciating bowel evacuations for a few days.

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when i was pretty young my father used to breed our english springer Lady. we never had a cleft lip pup that i remember. the male we bred bailey too came from the Amish so i think they were either bred to another in their family or overbred as happens with their small community . the pup canā€™t suck because it canā€™t make a seal on the nipple so we had to use a catheter in the stomach to feed him. finally starting to go on the nipple but we are basically pouring it down his throat. heā€™s about a pound less than his siblings but very feisty!

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