LITTLE greenhouse

A picture said it all


Currently at Aldi $30.


theres lots of innovative small greenhouse ideas on pot growing websites.


Here’s a makeshift mini-greenhouse (or mega-cloche?) I made in February to protect an inadvisable attempt to regraft an avocado that had been killed to ground level by a freeze in December:

I called it my “light tube” and a temperature probe showed it holding about 4° above ambient. The graft failed, but the tree did regrow from the roots nicely. I only put that thing on it for a few nights when we had a hard freeze.


I also use these light buckets inside

I need to find some clear 5 gallon size buckets for some things so the sun works during the day and I can pile leaves (or snow) as insulation at night. My neighbors are going to think I’m a hoarder if they don’t already…

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Also a useful tidbit - a 5 gallon bucket fits OVER a 10" pipe and INSIDE a 12" pipe.

Much cheaper than a cap for plugging pipes temporarily at my job but good for taller “greenhouses” like this for trees or larger bushes.

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I have a couple of these (with lids) that I got from a homebrewing buddy who was giving up that hobby, he used them to store grain:

I use one of them as a compost bucket, and the other as a cloche in the garden. It’s hard to justify the retail price for either of those uses, though, when regular used buckets are often easy to find for free.


Translucent bucket rot in sunlight very quickly. White last a little longer and black for many years.


Fukushu kumquat out grows light bucket
Lighting setup using a trash can fitted with a CFL and an assortment of light hanging from a burnt out 4 foot light fixture

Building inspector checking greenhouse framing for structural needs.



The one I linked is made out of an unusually sturdy material for a translucent bucket, I’ve seen no sign of becoming brittle or anything in 3 years of regular outdoor use. It’s become slightly more opaque, but not a lot.

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All my outlets are Properly grounded and are plugged into a GFCI. My clamp lights are UL listed. I unplug and re-plug chords 1 a week to keep electrical contacts secure. Power strips are suspended so they don’t get banged around. and most important I don’t do drugs, since 88% of our fire department call are for drug overdose victims. Last and most important is that all my lights total less than 100 watts. Low power!


its extremely cool you use your space for what you enjoy. you happen to be one of the more fun ones who lives to a full cup. very-enjoyable person who’s humor is often hidden in a big picture kind of way

lets hope nothing blows up!! (ha-ha :laughing:) I ‘know’ you got some nuclear going on there dude dewspite previous attempts’ raising up words, such as :laughing: “solar” or "“wind power”, etc-

you are unique, good job!


Thank you

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you bet

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Could you please put a high low thermometer in there this winter and tell us how much freeze protection you get?


My bucket cage has a 10F temperature rise. When temperatures drop I add insulation around the bucket for more protection. I do not own a continuous thermometer