Probably should have thinned more, but I just added another bar and rope to hold the tree up. Galas and Honeycrisp are almost ready.
Are those footies with surround?
Yep, and they worked pretty well! Completely different from last year when I did nothing.
Did you get the ones from the orchard society place? They blend in far more than I realized they do!
Yep–Home Orchard Society.
I have never used surround - does it affect the taste of the fruit and wash off easy?
It’s on all season long through all the sprinklers and rains. I hadn’t even thought about this and have been enjoying many good tasting apples so far. Of course after I take the footie off, I wash the apple just in case before I eat it.
If you talk about Surround right on the fruit, it is not easy to rinse off esp. on fruit with fuzz like peaches. I usually peel peaches but I have no issue eating peaches with a bit of clay.
Footsies with Surround is different. That Surround does not stick to skin of fruit at all. I used footsies with and without Surround. Once I realize footsies do not prevent OFM damage on soft skin fruit like peaches, nectarines, I stop using them.
Footsies on apples or pears are fine. However, for me, putting plastic ziplock bags on apples is faster and cheaper.
That is a loaded tree! Enjoy