Short story. We got this mango tree Last spring. We had to dig it up and move it. Pruned the tree down to 1/2, but it seemed to do well and started to grow just fine last summer. Come spring we tried to cover it with some sheets. But was severely damaged from the frost. It did start to push new grow, but then when it started raining everyday heavy it all of a sudden died. We cut it down to a stub and now it is pushing new shoots. My question is should we try to just dig up the root ball or let one of the shoots grow out. We have been cutting off some of the shoots because it has way to many, but unsure if it is worth letting it grow out or not. (upload://mI4Bdp8qf9UEfR92OVV4c3zBfXh.JPG)
Hi there.
It doesn’t appear like the pic uploaded correctly.
I know a Mango I tried to grow (in a pot) did not fare well with out cool damp winters. It also started tp push new growth, but ultimately died a slow death.
Where are you located?
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It looks much healthier than mine. I’d certainly nurse it along.
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This is the tree before we moved it. Picture above is months after the move and it pushing new growth.