Low Chill Japanese Plum Espalier

So I bought 5 Japanese Plum whips this spring to do a Belgian fence espalier. 3 of the 5 never budded out and died (Tyty). The two that are doing well are Santa Rosa and Yellow Gold.

I have 3 Julien A rootstocks I planted and am growing out this summer to graft to and replace the 3 that died. I am thinking of the low chill varieties to look for scions.

Zone 9a south Louisiana.

I’m thinking Inca, Mariposa, and maybe Laroda or Howard’s Miracle.


Of course pollination wise I’m not sure how much overlap I’ll get as it seems there is no good chart source for the very many plum trees available out there.

Obviously taste is #1, but I also wouldn’t mind different colors and ripening periods.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. Hopefully I can get all the scions from one place like Fruitwoodnursery.

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Also since I have 3 nice Julien A rootstocks growing for these 3 trees, I’d assume grafting a pluot would not be an issue?

Since Pluots are more plum than apricot…

I searched and found no mention of pluots grafted on Julien A.

I also am planning on getting some Lovell rootstock…hoping plum, pluot, and interspecifics are compatible.

My first grafted rootstock trees are doing well. J plums on Julien A.

From left to right:
Camp Joy Sauna
Elephant Heart
Satsuma, Improved

I see some suckers I need to take care of.

They should catch up to the two older trees in the espalier by end of summer.

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