I read this topic with great interest. It is similar to what I have been attempting for several years. I have neither the experience nor the discipline that @alan has, and cannot begin to attempt to guide you in those matters. I thought I could comment on lessons learned from my own experience.
Almost all of my Frankentrees are on MM111. They have been very slow to bear. My dear friend @PomGranny has pointed out, and rightly so, that I am pruning the crap out of them to their detriment. I confess to the same. The grafts have borne when the tree has not, but that’s ok with me. MM111 offers a tremendous number of grafting spots. Mine are generally modified central leader. Without that modification they have reached 15 feet+, and this is not a workable height for me. You can see by my photos that my grafts are primarily on the lowest part of the tree, with the base variety higher where I prefer not to work.
I have designated some of my trees as primary recipients of limbertwigs, russets, and red fleshed. As has been pointed out, you are not going to get all of any of these apples on one tree. I have managed to get about 12 limbertwig varieties on my old fashioned LT so far, and I’m still adding.
I started grafting 5 or 6 years into the trees life, and I hesitated to cut a scaffold or sometimes even laterals back to their origin and shorten one side of the tree significantly over the other. Basically I threw a bunch of grafts on it to see what would stick, often pretty far out from the trunk. As a result I ended up with a bunch of random grafts at the end of branches. I have now started to remove grafts favoring one variety over another. On those I wanted to maintain, I have put multiple grafts of the same variety all along the branch.
Old Fashioned LT
Here’s a bunch of Eves Delight grafts all along the same scaffold. I could have saved myself a lot of headache by grafting one to a shortened branch which would have grown out to make the same.
Same goes for my pink delight scaffold.
I picked a backup tree for russets. My main tree is Jonathan. Or as my grandson Nathan read to me this weekend " Jo- Nathan."
My back up is Liberty.
My main red fleshed tree is Wolf River. It has an open center due to fireblight and aggressive pruning 4 or 5 years ago. The disadvantage I see is that while the length of the scaffolds and thus the number of laterals can change, there will be no new higher scaffolds to graft on. What you see is what you get.
Red fleshed grafts
I admire your planning process early in the game, and wish you the best of success! To those who can’t fathom why on earth a person would want to put new varieties on a tree (my daughter Jennifer) they don’t know what they are missing!
BTW, the different colors of tape I use in labeling mean absolutely nothing–whatever is on hand. All the colors are a bit overwhelming, perhaps even comical. That just adds to the fun. People drive by and wonder what the hell is going on in the orchard. Actually I wonder that myself much of the time.