Obviously the mango wins but theTahoe mandarin is very large, heavy, full of juice and very good tasting. Nice to have them both growing, so I got to settle for just the mandarin.
That’s a very pretty mango. Did you grow it yourself?
No, it’s a store bought mango. Last year a added two mango trees and two avocado trees to the burn pile. As hard as I tried it’s just not working out.
Shasta, Yosemite and Tahoe are doing just fine, no problems there. If I can only grow 6, it would be 2 of each of those 3. Thin skin, super juicy, super good tasting, Shiranui is a little sweeter, also very very good.
Nothing beats mango, but since you like these three citrus varieties and want seedless ones, you will definitely like gold nugget mandarin and tango mandarin.
I don’t think so. G/n is just sweet and small, Lee/Nova is better than the two you mentioned.
My Tahoe Gold™ (TDE3 is technically the varietal name) is loaded with flowers, so I’m looking forward to that one, too. I agree that the TDE series are among my favorite mandarins from the store. Here are some of my flower buds getting ready to open:
A related side note: TDE3 comes off patent this June and I’m planning to celebrate with much grafting. I think one of the Gold series is next year instead, but they’ll all be expired by then.
That’s interesting, I’ll look forward the cultivar you mentioned.
Question. If a variety is patented, can’t you still propagate it for your own use but not for resale? Why wait for the patent to expire?
Legally, no. Patent protection is patent protection, it is not generally written as for sale vs. own use. However some patent holders will not bother going after small propagation backyard infringers. Some will, depends on costs.
As @franc1969 said, plant patents technically prevent you from propagating the plant at all for any reason. In this case I’ll probably offer them up on a local plant swap list via nextdoor, and on here for local exchange only (not sending to any citrus growing states because of quarantines), so definitely shouldn’t post those offers until after the patent expires.
My brother in law who lived in the LA, Cal. Bought his tree’s there, yard was small, grew trees in containers, moved to Arkansas, took 6 small citrus trees along . Bought a house in a gated community with HOA close to us. I ended up with the tree’s. I might my second retirement move to a gated community down South, a condo. No more tree’s. Getting burned up with way tooooo much stuff.
83 now!?
I’ve seen this twice now, Bob. One guy waited till about 85 - he chased pecans with my friend for 30+ years on the Mississippi in IL mostly. Another guy grew conifers and sold his house to the Nursery/Landscape business that would help him occasionally - and the first thing the guy did was start cutting out a lot of my friend’s trees and shrubs and the guy didn’t need to move to a nice community- he still had a lot of zip. I know he was more in his 70’s.
I guess the other pecan friend is actually in a retirement home but it suits him. I know he’s really busy all the time so it’s not like he’s sitting there looking out a window. Plus, he gets fed everyday well and has a clean & nice room. Suits him perfectly.